Message from @!GPT
Discord ID: 557637194873962496
6ix 9ine has actually been to the moon and seen the earth in the shape of a cube so technically the creator of Minecraft is god? <:smart:484956754489376781>
The only things flateathers fear is sphere itself
3D shapes are too much
anything LESS than "3D" in this world (life experience) does not exist
example -- nothing is "2D" in this 3rd dimension+
what's that?
it's peeeryyyy, perry the platupuuuss
perry dies of hepatitis
up the bum
omg they caught basil
New Zealand Blocks Bitchute
RIP freedom in NZ
Hello boys and girls how is Everyone?
@Bitch Scone (Perry Devito) i hope we've reached an understanding ..
i give him 3 hours till re jailed
i didnt jail him, this time
-- i disallowed him to be able to "send messages"in Lounge^
(for some moments)
Smh #freescone
Hi I’ve just come to give my daily reminder that the earth isn’t flat
Hashtags worked
ohh light mode is the BEST
I'm not?
Vote for me
A vote for me is a vote for you
na i'm ok
i only vote globe earthes so if ur a glober then ur vote is mine
I’m a Glover
Ha ha yeet the earth be round
Wazzu flaties