Message from @Awkward sadistic child
Discord ID: 558198236465201152
@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ so that's what you believe in? like a religion or something?
u do though
@Awkward sadistic child if you dont have a group educated in a physics why would they believe in physics?
nah, not me, im not organized religious
i AM spiritual though
huge difference
I have faith in God
I have faith in Jesus
and above all
I have faith in Scientific Method Experiment
but why don't you listen to our teachers that have spent years learning and studying, keeping interest into what our world actually is?
@Awkward sadistic child Spent years on the pay roll of vested corporate interests reading a curriculum they have no control over.
did you know that we used to never know that there are other universes out there?
WITH PSEUDO-SCIENCE books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time. A multi-generational conspiracy has succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it into orbit around the Sun.
we only thought there was only one, only ours
The Earth spins at 1000 mph The Earth orbits the sun at 66,600 mph The Sun is traveling through space at 45000+ mph The ISS and 2000+ satellites orbit Earth at 17000 mph The Earth is dragged through space by the Sun’s gravity The Moon is dragged through space by the Earth’s gravity The ISS and 2000+ satellites are dragged through space by the Earth’s gravity and Although the DSCOVR satellite is in geostationary orbit one million miles away it is also dragged through space by the Earth’s gravity, The Stars we see at night, including the Pole star, never change so they must also be traveling at 66,600 mph and orbiting the Sun with the Earth
On top of that, the entire Milky Way galaxy spins like a merry-go-round.
...And Scientists seriously expect us to 'believe' that this impossibility is possible…?
.."It's amazing what an unbeliever must 'believe' to be an unbeliever" !!!
@Awkward sadistic child oh? so you believe in a "multiverse"
YOU 'scientism-faith-believers' are the ones "blindly believing" (blind faith) and having "faith"!..Just faith in people you have never met who wrote books that you were taught..but never questioned..!
i believe we have a galaxy
multiple galaxies
Here is a quote from Plato he wrote in 427bc Im told. "Strange times are these in which we live when young and old are taught falsehoods in schools and the person who dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and a fool".
@Awkward sadistic child Can I please see the edge of your flat Galaxy
it's not flat
there's no edge
there's no limit
do you understand that?
there is no limit to space
your "sci-Fi" priests ..say the "universe" is > flat__
um, yeah
im athiest, lol
did i s-s-s-stutter
@Awkward sadistic child ah, no wonder
please end me now
you already did that to yourself
mike if you are rude you are less likely for people to want to take in the information
just a suggestion
they wont
they're too stubborn