Message from @she powerland

Discord ID: 562079391593660629

2019-04-01 00:59:29 UTC  

also known as the kings deed

2019-04-01 00:59:29 UTC  

That's your SLAVE NAME

2019-04-01 00:59:42 UTC  

You use that name, you're in THEIR SYSTEM

2019-04-01 00:59:50 UTC  

They can get away with paying you IOU's

2019-04-01 00:59:56 UTC  

wonder if the nsa really justified the scandal like that

2019-04-01 01:00:03 UTC  

do u live in the states i wonder? @Human Sheeple

2019-04-01 01:00:16 UTC  

They don't owe you shit because your ass is theirs the moment your mommy and daddy wrote that birth certificate and gave your data to the state

2019-04-01 01:00:36 UTC  

Oh god what a day

2019-04-01 01:00:41 UTC  

@she powerland πŸ€—

2019-04-01 01:01:00 UTC  


2019-04-01 01:01:30 UTC  

You guys talking Justinian deception

2019-04-01 01:01:35 UTC  

@she powerland shiro doesn't know about the birth certificates, can you tell him about how your birth certificate means you're a trade marked corporation sold into bondage by a bankrupt government to a privately owned central banking corporation

2019-04-01 01:01:45 UTC  


2019-04-01 01:01:46 UTC  

again, so many assumptions

2019-04-01 01:02:06 UTC  

Alright, @shiro has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-04-01 01:02:07 UTC  

Go watch Justinian deception vids he explains it pretty well

2019-04-01 01:02:20 UTC  

Creditor becomes debtor

2019-04-01 01:02:41 UTC  

When you assume the role of a dead man you can now be sold as commodity

2019-04-01 01:02:44 UTC  

The all caps

2019-04-01 01:02:48 UTC  

originally we were talking about article 13 so idk why you using usa as an explanation for the original thing anyway..

2019-04-01 01:02:49 UTC  

It’s debased Latin

2019-04-01 01:03:01 UTC  

Ok I just got here but yes

2019-04-01 01:03:07 UTC  

This one?

2019-04-01 01:03:20 UTC  

Alright, @she powerland has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-04-01 01:03:37 UTC  

All his s t u f f is need to know sorry

2019-04-01 01:03:44 UTC  

last time i checked america has nothing to do with the article 13 dilemma

2019-04-01 01:03:52 UTC  

Your name isn’t who you are πŸ˜ƒ

2019-04-01 01:04:06 UTC  

But I have no idea what art13 is

2019-04-01 01:04:16 UTC  

anyway imma sleep, dont worry about europe too much usa has enough deep issues^-^ @Human Sheeple

2019-04-01 01:04:52 UTC  

@she powerland Basically it means the EU's going to force in a bunch of algorithms to shut down the internet just for saying three words that may or may not offend some trade mark patent copyright claim etc.

2019-04-01 01:05:14 UTC  

It also means we have to self police

2019-04-01 01:05:24 UTC  

So either you fight people for the agenda or we shut your platform down

2019-04-01 01:05:28 UTC  

@she powerland what do you mean with the name?

2019-04-01 01:05:52 UTC  

@Human Sheeple not words!! its not about words at all mate

2019-04-01 01:06:08 UTC  

So this is quite dangerous because they might say "flat earth" is a trademark of Metatron LLC and we're not allowed to say "flat earth" any more without getting shut down

2019-04-01 01:06:19 UTC  

Under Article 13

2019-04-01 01:06:44 UTC  

Flat Earth. πŸ‘Šβ€οΈπŸŒˆ

2019-04-01 01:09:11 UTC

2019-04-01 01:10:13 UTC

2019-04-01 01:12:22 UTC  

@everyone join debate vc