Message from @NAHHHHHH
Discord ID: 565577985894121482
Yeah sorry
I forgive you
<:zipit:563151588764549140> <:worried:485147448503697421> <:whopinged:489114411387191296> <:vcislit:507995456899514380> <:trolled:555217274907262976> <:tp:507990258055381024> <:tomato:507986614010511380> <:snapsnap:484956825863585792> <:smart:484956754489376781> <:silly:507986623850348547> <:sheeple:551627601131864084> <:Redpill:551640293372329984> <:puke:507995473446174740> <:prison:507997216342933534> <:poop:507995483189280778> <:nasalies:485141702403686403> <:n_:507995520724369431> <:minion:563141676663701505> <:mad:507991428924964867> <:lul:484994724118134784> <:kitty1:507996065115406352> <:kiss:507990276137156628> <:heart1:507994140408152066> <:happycube:507990858960732162> <:happy:507991686320750592> <:globiegoggles:485140915149864980> <:giggle:485714802123997184> <:flipthebird:563179943056506890> <:flatearth:564527756180979724> <:fakenews:507995495982170112> <:emoji_73:564656940010176532> <:emodevil:491451297858322432> <:deadpoop:551269056766935040> <:dancingfrog:551262786416803840> <:crazy:507991461078237185> <:coolsun:485147409903517696> <:cool:507986727953235970> <:butthurt:507983822244151306> <:blowkiss:507990185905094676> <:blobface:507986757753634826> <:BigSmiles:556070613224259594> <:bahahaha:485147430740951041> <:b_:507995503397699585> <:anonymous:551262958580400128> <:angrycube:507990207602229249> <:angry:507990221338705931> <:alien:551262600462204949> <:a_:507995510624354305>
I would be more worried about the Israelis and the Zionist collaborative government here, the Sovereign Base areas are just a sore reminder of the British occupation and they never really left, they merely reduces the amount of land they occupied.
These emojis are weird
Have you ever been to the North? I know there is a DMZ
Have you ever been to toys r us
@NAHHHHHH _it was my childhood_
I forgive you
_i miss it so much_
Who else lives in England
Only muslims
But I am not Muslim
**cracks knuckles, neck, and back**
alright i haven’t taken notice to here in a while, lezz go
yooooo hellboy comes out tomorrow i am HYPED
I'm waiting for Endgame personally
@Human Sheeple so you have the most advanced type of retardation I see
According to your roles
@Edillon You have the most sever case of zombification I see, according to your roles.
You are also illiterate
@Human Sheeple yeah that too
hellboy is gonna be sjw
its by netflix
but also, the new godzilla