Message from @!GPT
Discord ID: 565583713954562058
Not all liberals are tards
Am I right?
I like stranger things its back when you could be friends with other creeds and no SJW non sense
that part of the story I liked
Of course they're not all tards, most are tho
you guys are young so you dont know about those times
What about EJW's, Economic Justice Warriors?
So sheeple is also anti vacc?
Is that like SJW but on the right?
I couldn't give 2 shits about whether a gay muslim couple wants to cut off their genetalia or not....
I want my fucking money.;
@Edillon The term is immunohoxer
I don't know how to respond to that page
i jus tlike to point the irony of some named pete butt gay comming out of the closet
i still get a daily laugh
the gift that keeps on giving
Pete butt gay
yes is how you pronounce it
which is so so so funny
I need to get the chance sof that
being named butt gay and being gay
I wonder what ar e the odds
I wonder if he decided to be gay on purpose
only thing funnie rif his first name was dick
that be like level 11 irony
level 10 still good tho
@Human Sheeple I feel like the correct term is child abuser
my name is pete butt gay and im comming out the closet
his speech was funny af too
@Edillon How rich coming from somone who supports an industry that supports the wholesale murder of unborn babies for pharmaceutical vaccines.