Message from @ur dad gae
Discord ID: 566682874686865408
I have a word document open
The links don't open
I assume they are figures for the rationale?
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully unmuted **Big lad Jamie**#3929
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully unmuted **poopy iguana mochi eats poo**#4002
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully unmuted **Marty Mcfly Williams**#6882
@Big lad Jamie @ur dad gae @Marty Mcfly Williams welcome back
Am back boys
Why no one said a thing while I was gone
I’m the life of this server
We were enjoying the silence
Can’t ban me I’m the only thing keeping this server active
Please enjoy your ICE BOX TATTOO to let people know you are rehabilitated criminals
Seeker what should be the title
Where’s the tattoo
Can mine be in red
Won’t they just thing I’m rich?
The only thing keeping this server active? Lmao
I was thinking: The Affect of Light Rays on Projected Shadows Within Wells
Tell that to Sheeple and I.
Ok asbestos
And me since i havent really shut up since arriving much to seekers annoyance
i dont understand, i have seen the same amount of proof for a velocirator, cube, phallic earth as the flat earth
I'll just put in my full name for now
which is none
And no institution?
@black man why are you black
srry my mic is broken
Seeker so the jist is we will have three wells and measure the angle of the shadows
oh no, my friend just told me he got muted for a similar statement
I am going to need some references and a hypothesis
of what
Of why you are black