Message from @E X T R A T H I C C
Discord ID: 577817702941327361
farming simulator 2020
Jesus fuk
jesus fuck puuni
with that hand every dick will look small
Holy shit Marvin I will buy you a phone to send me ass pics with
that looks bigger than my brother/s holy shit
_when have a hand kink_ fuck
I've got big hands too
at least mine will
Bet Kitten
god damn
It's hairy tho lmao
I have tiny hands wtf..
puunigi's hands so big he could star in gay porn
Needs big hands to hunt those mammoths
puuungi how do you deal with the default strap?
Mine are slighty thick <:rubycry:508979253396897794>
Puuungi can't even give himself a handjob they're so big <:extremelemon:380256408282595329>
needs big hands to pinch that 1 inch cock
Marvin gimme that address you're getting an iPhone XR
tha shit kept killing my wrist in like a month
Puu how tall are you? Like 6'7?
@Deleted User uwu
oh fuck puunigi
Jesus Christ
Who wants an iphone smh
Oh god oh shit
Android is where it's at
_please stop_
@StarvinMarvin you know it bro
in cm please
s9+ gwng