Discord ID: 300649329662623755

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im just listeing to this conv in vc about trap noodels stuf

like a guys is just saying noodels


2 4 6 8 alle we do is mastrubate

yeetus that fetus

traps are gay if you know if shes a trap

scratch it

bbq sauce on me tities

i feel your pain

good point

i have some coupons for free nudes, who wants them

it was fucking free XD

no take backs brother

gotta say fellas, this is one of the best servers ive ever been on

hentai with senpai?

good question'

traps are wierd

drown me in females

i wanna suficate in some tities


that is a wonderfull idea

so wo wanna fuck in a hot spring

buy me 2 and a treadrhipper 2990 wx and ill do anything

gtx 970 for me dude

and a ryzen 3

i actualy have a 1050ti at home

i have ryzen 3 1300x gtx 970 8gb ddr4 ram

i got my 970 for 45โ‚ฌ

gotta say fellas the pc masterrace is strong with this man

not realy

how is porn banned

those think suck

even for prebuilds

tbh, build your own ps

way cheaper

ever tried minecraft modeed

so what games yall playing

i have 8gb vor 110 โ‚ฌ

so yall pc gamers

**minecraft pc theme starts playin**

what about hentai minesweeper

forza horizon 4

mc is better tho

minecraft is like 5$ on g2a


yeah true

weed is pretty good

yo staop it echi boy

you said my name

bye daddy

you just said it yourself

around way to much hours for me

hoes sad4

i work at mcdonnalds

nope you fucking pedo

kirby;s callin the police

go commit jump for train

so anyone got some good butts

i like butts

female only

i got memes

so how everyone doing

gucci yeet yeet

yetus deletus that fetus

hoes always mad

good night mate

cum and go

ejeculate and evacutae

blow your load and hit the road

i want a girl hugging me

butts and thights

i got a friend with big tits

to bad he is a guy


i just wanna hold hands guys

my ex had dd 138 i think

im not to font of big tits

so where yall from

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