Message from @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧

Discord ID: 574046731889672202

2019-05-04 01:29:57 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:30:07 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:30:24 UTC  

I see

2019-05-04 01:31:06 UTC  

Flat earth is the mother lode

2019-05-04 01:31:42 UTC  

-- Do you realize ..most of the world's problems and shit, comes from the same Sick bastards that gave you that spinning globe Sci-fi model/theory? @Fleet admiral Yes also Milk

2019-05-04 01:32:33 UTC  

this world / society is in terrible shape, mostly because of Sci-fi freaks

2019-05-04 01:32:53 UTC  

satatnic world and athiestic ETC

2019-05-04 01:33:02 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:33:18 UTC  

Flat Earth (& etc) brings in Creation, intelligent design and Spirituality (amongst many other things)

2019-05-04 01:33:37 UTC  

the more important things ✔

2019-05-04 01:34:00 UTC  

--whats rude?.. Sci-Fi priests? that influenced humanity and society? etc

2019-05-04 01:34:45 UTC  

(you globe believers) ? >>you people dont even know the Sick bastards yous are trying to defend

2019-05-04 01:35:39 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:35:48 UTC  

who what

2019-05-04 01:35:51 UTC  

ANY of yous

2019-05-04 01:36:05 UTC  

are you a globe-earth believer?

2019-05-04 01:36:17 UTC  

then you FALL right into that category

2019-05-04 01:36:27 UTC  

Who are these "sick bastards" you speak of?

2019-05-04 01:36:32 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:36:46 UTC  

didnt i say Sci-Fi priests? ..for starters

2019-05-04 01:36:55 UTC  

-- do i have to name more? examples?

2019-05-04 01:37:18 UTC  

And who may those be?

2019-05-04 01:37:34 UTC  

im not gonna name names

2019-05-04 01:37:48 UTC  

how about 99.9999 percent of them, how bout that

2019-05-04 01:38:43 UTC  

globe is satanic lucifarian pagan babylonian ETC

2019-05-04 01:39:17 UTC  

20 of the TOP "scientists" in this world, do not even come to my Ankles

2019-05-04 01:39:22 UTC  

-- PLEASE bring me some

2019-05-04 01:39:22 UTC  

Invalid arguments provided: User "PLEASE" not found

2019-05-04 01:39:27 UTC  

ive been asking for years

2019-05-04 01:39:33 UTC  

no one takes me up on the offer

2019-05-04 01:39:58 UTC  

they're scared
--i'll make the top "scientists" minds? in this WORLD look like Kindergarteners

2019-05-04 01:41:00 UTC  

**unless they Spiritual" based, people , that are "scientists" ..then i dont have a problem with them

2019-05-04 01:41:28 UTC  

<a:joy:507983939969744910> this mod sounds just like Bodhisattva, see ya guys I'm out

2019-05-04 01:41:55 UTC  

@Akail Go watch Star Trek then kiddo (infant soul) <:lul:484994724118134784>

2019-05-04 01:42:19 UTC  


2019-05-04 01:42:27 UTC  

Do you even know how gravity works

2019-05-04 01:42:32 UTC  

or do you not believe in gravity

2019-05-04 01:42:46 UTC  

and earths magnetic field

2019-05-04 01:42:47 UTC  

ask me if i care

2019-05-04 01:43:04 UTC  

when regards to determining the shape of the earth