Message from @alfred
Discord ID: 302945923837984779
Nah, get vetted first
then you can mobilize
@BlackMetalWitch I've been on a flight for the last 6 hours give me a run down
Dude they had so many weapons and tear gas bombs on antifa side. It was bullshit
busyt day, vetting is probably backed up
Not the best PR, holy KEK
Who had more causalities?
It's going to be amazing
He's gonna get charged
@BlackMetalWitch sadly their is no fairness in war.
too bad he didn't punch her in the nose. The forehead won't affect much
not sure about casualties but antifa had to retreat
that's a female
Nathan Domigo punched a crusty punk kek
Who here lives in Arizona?
Define casualty
@ChippedStones It started out slow, their numbers looked bigger, but then more of our guys started showing up. Lauren Southern spoke, we found based stick man and gave him his AntiCom hat! Antifa keot trying to come over to our side and flank us, and there was a constant push-pull. But we managed to push them back and send them running into the streets...
So far around 15 arrested from both sides
I'm an Anarcho-Authoritarian @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
probably equal casualties tbh
I saw two or three of our ppl hurt
@Iamawesom wtf does that even mean??
Eeesh that's crazy @BlackMetalWitch thanks for the enchilada
atleast one antifa who got the shit beat out of him
that just what I saw though
They threw everything they possibly could. Rocks, water bottles, glass bottles, tear gas, and they pepper sprayed those who got too close.
@BlackMetalWitch did it get bad?
Antifa got multiple banners and flags taken, should make for some awesome photo ops
lel. haven't heard of that one before