Message from @alfred
Discord ID: 302945598351474689
Holy moly a whole lot fo vetting to do
pretty sure. Looks like him
@GoGo We're on our way home now. Stopping to get food. But we got to Berkeley around 19am (PST) and left about 40 mins ago.
:\ that's not gonna look good on him/them/us
Godspeed to the rest of those patriots.
@BlackMetalWitch anyone get hurt?
how? mate Commies deserve to either convert or die.
yo @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe how many members are we at
@ChippedStones Lots
540 and climbing
>Punching crust punk commies in the face looks great
I just wanted to say that I'm very glad that this exists
540 anticoms
I saw a woman get pepper sprayed along with others this what comfy feels like?
Nah, get vetted first
then you can mobilize
@BlackMetalWitch I've been on a flight for the last 6 hours give me a run down
Dude they had so many weapons and tear gas bombs on antifa side. It was bullshit
busyt day, vetting is probably backed up
Not the best PR, holy KEK
Who had more causalities?
It's going to be amazing
He's gonna get charged
@BlackMetalWitch sadly their is no fairness in war.
too bad he didn't punch her in the nose. The forehead won't affect much
not sure about casualties but antifa had to retreat
that's a female
oh, nvm m8