Message from @jeremy

Discord ID: 575380243938803743

2019-05-07 17:52:58 UTC  

Here's something more far fetched sounding. Granted, there is no way of my verifying this without having stage four cancer, myself, but there is a guy in this Cosmic Mildew video that claims to have completely reversed and eradicated his cancer by treating it as a fungus with baking soda.

2019-05-07 17:53:03 UTC  

Good luck with it

2019-05-07 17:53:18 UTC  


2019-05-07 17:53:27 UTC  

Hey wait

2019-05-07 17:53:30 UTC  


2019-05-07 17:53:34 UTC  

I never got my Truther Verified role

2019-05-07 17:53:35 UTC  


2019-05-07 17:53:48 UTC  

This is true

2019-05-07 17:53:51 UTC  

Can you give me that role @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 I already got my flat earther verified role

2019-05-07 17:53:53 UTC  

Cancer is a fungus

2019-05-07 17:54:17 UTC  

@floridaswamptrash Unfortunately, I do not have those permissions.

2019-05-07 17:54:22 UTC  

i am verified

2019-05-07 17:54:25 UTC  


2019-05-07 17:54:26 UTC  

nice idk when that happened

2019-05-07 17:54:33 UTC  

Thanks anyways dude

2019-05-07 17:54:49 UTC  

Cancer is a fungus

2019-05-07 17:54:53 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄**, this command is disabled in this channel

2019-05-07 17:54:58 UTC  

listen guys lets just brainstorm on a project we can prove curvature no optics we just need a 3 or 4 mil straight flat piece of something

2019-05-07 17:55:16 UTC  

Good idea

2019-05-07 17:55:40 UTC  

normally we could just use water becuase we know water wants to be flat on top but we need more proof than that

2019-05-07 17:56:20 UTC  

Like what

2019-05-07 17:56:36 UTC  

rope or piece of fiberglass or something

2019-05-07 17:56:41 UTC  

piece of metal

2019-05-07 17:56:47 UTC  

needs to be near water

2019-05-07 17:56:54 UTC  

on or very close to

2019-05-07 17:57:06 UTC  

probably nontidal

2019-05-07 17:57:11 UTC  

Ten thousand Meter Sticks

2019-05-07 17:57:23 UTC  

how would u make sure they are straight

2019-05-07 17:57:34 UTC  

Meter Sticks are level

2019-05-07 17:57:39 UTC  

flat u mean

2019-05-07 17:57:44 UTC  

And level

2019-05-07 17:57:54 UTC  

well if u hold it the right way then yes its level

2019-05-07 17:58:05 UTC  

we dont need level just straight

2019-05-07 17:58:16 UTC  

level means 2 different things to globe and flat people

2019-05-07 17:58:46 UTC  

Right, so we need to secure them to each other and place a spirit level on the bracket holding two of them together and keep going.

2019-05-07 17:58:48 UTC  

All you need is a level. It's very simple

2019-05-07 17:59:15 UTC  

Oh... I forgot there were those people who say level means curved....

2019-05-07 17:59:18 UTC  

are the m eter sticks made of wood ?

2019-05-07 17:59:35 UTC  

or metal or some unbendable material ?

2019-05-07 17:59:37 UTC  

Level means FLAT people