Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 288888875651432458
I heard your stupid keyboard for a whole goddamn minute, and that's all you have for me?
They're gay, but not as gay as you poo.
Traps are gayer than normal women, however they aren't as gay as a dude.
Run out of money, some one repossess land?
Just short it to "AnCom"
Are traps really gay?
Does anyone have that gif of pewds smiling while watching hitler @here
I have this
It's not really related but I really like it,
kek ty
we need to meme her face into a war hero
The only pewdiefuhrer gif I can find is the one with the dialy stormer watermark on it
@🅱arD can you add @Chef Goyardee to the vetted tag for me m8
He's good
can my wifes son join the right knights?
i found it
why not? the left are starting to disown him. it would be easy to pull a "zyklon ben garrison" on him
Fascist have a joke about the rest of the alt-right.
"they don't think that traps are gay"
I wanted to know it it was true.
fuck lo
who would buy stickers?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ me
Kyle confirmed not charged at present.
who'd buy this sticker?
What's your class?
stickman is hoplite
Phalanx now
I prefer Romans
New photo of stickman's victim