Message from @Sammy Woodchipperz
Discord ID: 404533700450189322
black sun pagan larpers
The moonmen faggots?
Anyone with the valknut pfp variation should be gassed
Bunch of redditors
This is one of them
@Vic_Mackey <:bender:371894153430433792>
ðŸ‡ðŸ‡· 🔪 <:SHHHHHEEEEEEEEIIIITT:336859210304192512>
ðŸ‡ðŸ‡· 🔪 <:schlomo:336861922953527296>
You could be a spic or gook and have a white enough looking arm
And you could be a white infiltrator
Instantly left server
I’m going to stay a while
Have fun
its full of moonmen
I forgot the worst of all, you could be a kike and have a white arm
It’s Reddit who thinks they’re not Reddit
You mean BBS
That hurts and I never used the BBS
Darth Vader voice * you knoooowww it to be true
that's called a nigger dot for the uninitiated
btw, if anyone see's BRJ posting yenta shit while he is gone from here on another server let me know
because i care
care enough to scorch the earth
It actually doesnt look half bad