Message from @timmymatlock
Discord ID: 406117647026225152
niggers should be made into fertilizer for the dead nigger forest
where the trees have aids
Some boomer retard just threw like three 100ah lithium batteries in a trash compactors . Big fucking fire
Lol learning datatypes and stuff like Console.WriteLine in my C# class and the niggers are struggling
check out this based negro
n1: 5
n2: 3
n3: n1 * n2
Nigger said it was thirty five then goes, oh if its addition itll be 35.
@General Otto I use Python.
I know very little python
I planned on learning more and C++
print("Fuck Niggers")
print("Gas the kikes?")
Console.WriteLine("Do Niggers Stink?");
Thats all i really know lol, just started
@General Otto ahahahahhaahhah
@General Otto I know I am looking into building a DIY RasPi.
C# isn't bad to learn if you're in a class for it
<:Hortler:405933822136549377> Hale Hortler fellow white men. I hope you gas a lot of Joes today! <:Hortler:405933822136549377>
I always thought the said YENTAS GONNA YEET
<:yentasgonnayent:391536404695482378> <:woodchipper:359474772498841610> <:vladislav:379503939680206848> <:vic:396920795651244052> <:unitedshitlords:340804796904767489> <:trump:340801972573831169> <:sloth:371116070775422986> <:SHHHHHEEEEEEEEIIIITT:336859210304192512> <:schlomo:336861922953527296> <:scale:383880790754328576> <:SaintRoof:400536846448328707> <:ranch:375588455511490570> <:niggersstinkbill:379202175743819777> <:naziflag:336861923012247562> <:moonman:336859210061185024> <:mason:383878107934752769> <:manson:360514033339596800> <:mamzered:396924250767884288> <:mamzer:364523489648050187> <:lynch:340800605373071367> <:kys:336859745019363328> <:jovantee:362688241138401281> <:IEjew:387126431471239188> <:Hortler:405933822136549377> <:hitlerdab:388545564221898755> <:hitler:359478431689342976> <:hellyeah:376968731156414464> <:heimbowlstroll:388542976269221888> <:heil:340800605981376522> <:guyfieri:366352990564777996> <:gas:337928938133127169> <:dyro:399109955862528000> <:dylannroof:400537343645319169> <:duke:368627109658361859> <:Daddy:406000576804028416> <:crystal:360289586317885440> <:chipper:405937701087608832> <:cheers:387065310592892938> <:challenger:354450851982475272> <:chadbowl:351835017111928833> <:cantwell:359477375723110412> <:BRJ:393720569029197825> <:bowlyeah:397544508507815946> <:bowl:335707815664549898> <:boomer:340803509924397056> <:bender:371894153430433792> <:bane:340801972498071562> <:autism:393720787405635584> <:alfrankenstein:340801973072691200> <:adidas:365434665131048960>
I wish
We have to watch out for the African Air Force during the race war
RussiaToday attacks western "nationalist" Putinboos.
"Russia may well be the most ethnically and religiously diverse country in Europe. And Putin’s own cabinets have included a smorgasbord of Jews, Muslims and Buddhists in addition to the Christians and Agnostics who form the largest Russian ‘belief’ categories. The Russian President has personally attended the opening of Russia’s largest mosque, in Moscow, and has been described in a Reuters article as “the closest thing Israel has ever had to a friend in Moscow.” While Russia’s chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, says “Putin is on our side.” He even told the Limmud FSU how “Putin was the first president to publicly speak out against anti-Semitism and did the most for the Jews. There is no institutional anti-Semitism in Russia. The attitude toward the Jews in Russia is excellent."
Inb4 megacopes from Anglins
No goy don't you get it
by outlawing antisemitism he's actually against the jews!
Galaxy brain smoloko hot take
Nazis are actually Mossad agents, so imprisoning nazis for jews is actually 1488D chess and redpilled.
Russian insider is puttin out good work with their new editor regardless