Message from @Millerc04
Discord ID: 639452129597063189
p!catch Torchic
This is the wrong pokémon!
I have a bomb don't tell Marc
p!catch crabrawler
Congratulations @XzxWolfiexzX! You caught a level 37 Crabrawler! Added to Pokédex.
What a lunch time
What are you doing
p!catch alolan muk
This is the wrong pokémon!
I dunno it
p!catch bronzer
This is the wrong pokémon!
p!catch bronzor
Congratulations @lol _k! You caught a level 15 Bronzor! Added to Pokédex.
This is the wrong pokémon!
And I just can't hide it
Congratulations @lol _k! You caught a level 15 Bronzor! Added to Pokédex.
And i think I like it
Congratulations @lol _k _k! You caught a level 15 Bronzor! Added to Pokédex.
Congratulations @lol _k _k! You caught a level 15 Bronzor! Added to Pokédex.
Congratulations idiot! You caught a level 15 Bronzor! Added to Pokédex.
Congratulations idiot! You caught a level 15 Bronzor! Added to Pokédex.
Fuck you