Message from @Alex Jones
Discord ID: 319794656466436096
Gave myself DJ role
muted @Deleted User for 60 minutes
Kirk muted @!Doug The Subway Fugitive for being a shitlord
muted akaibu#9379 for 1 whole minute for spamming ree
Muted emperor pepeatine for 10 minutes for post dead Chechen men in general
muted @The Rock for 5 for being degenerate and making unfunny jokes
muted @MrSpac for 10 minutes
Warned @MrSpac for posting traps *as a joke*
made @Capuno SCHDT.
unbanned im' tfw after a month and a half long ban. hes here on probation. if he starts shit he be gone
Domed Shia cause pinging
muted @Groovy for 10 minutes
muted @chernobyl. for arguing with mod
Muted <@250455130107936768> for spamming seizure shit
Muted @MrSpac for being tinker tom 2.0
Muted <@!250455130107936768> in VC for micspamming soviet anthem
banned sage
banned a dandy alt
removed the viktor emoji because hes a shitbag now
muted <@213673755182891008> for being L O U D
in vc
unmuted i forgot
muted meme jihadist and santa-manta
Muted strelok for saying Tumblr has good content
Muted @Crunch for trap shit
Banned mr.mememan for trap posting
Unbanned mememan because too harsh
undomed strelok after 30 mins in dome
Banned @(d)andy for spamming dicks in gerneral
Unbanned blitzkrieg
Banned dsb for starting drama on dinguses behalf
Kicked hells kells for questioning why I do things
Kicked Irish yet again for attempting to start shit in the server...again
Banned manus
Banned klean because all he uses the server for is to shill his YouTube or start problems
Restored steloks roles
Promoted @Shitking to gestapo
Promoted @RFZ for making me laugh till i almost cried with dank oc