Message from @Gerry

Discord ID: 532302554475003911

2019-01-08 19:06:38 UTC  

isnt brittain already fucked

2019-01-08 19:11:29 UTC  

beyond fucked

2019-01-08 19:11:37 UTC  

the goverment just voted to fuck up no deal

2019-01-08 19:11:38 UTC  


2019-01-08 19:11:46 UTC  


2019-01-08 19:16:19 UTC  

And people wonder why I wanted May out

2019-01-08 19:16:27 UTC  

The Tories need a new leader

2019-01-08 19:16:46 UTC  

One that listens to the vote of the people, not of the elite Parliamentarians

2019-01-08 19:17:12 UTC  

We voted for Leave, not "maybe"

2019-01-08 19:50:04 UTC  

The problem is the uk voted 52% to leave the Eu but 70% of MPs voted to remain that the main problem not Theresa May

2019-01-08 19:57:04 UTC  

May needs to put on a stronger stance @HM - King of UK + Commonwealth

2019-01-08 19:57:10 UTC  

They pray on her because she's weak

2019-01-08 20:14:07 UTC  

She won the confidence vote

2019-01-08 20:55:55 UTC  

The problem is it was 1 VS 27 in the negotiations and now May is being used as a scapegoat for the failings of Brexit

2019-01-08 20:56:21 UTC  

@HM - King of UK + Commonwealth Any idiot can win that Confidence vote

2019-01-08 20:56:22 UTC  

she is a bit of a bitch though

2019-01-08 20:57:41 UTC  

@The Lemon one of the most powerful country in Europe against a Union hated by the President of thr most powerful nation on Earth

2019-01-08 20:57:54 UTC  

Even today, Trump showed a massive middle finger to the EU

2019-01-08 20:58:00 UTC  

May went with the wring attitude

2019-01-08 21:00:18 UTC  

they are just salty

2019-01-08 21:14:28 UTC  

^ What the MPs do to May

2019-01-08 21:18:06 UTC  

What the EU did to us in negotiations

2019-01-08 21:20:02 UTC  

Theresa May was ranked second most powerful women in the world

2019-01-08 21:20:09 UTC  

In 2018

2019-01-08 21:20:14 UTC  

And 2017

2019-01-08 21:47:39 UTC  

The fuck?!

2019-01-08 21:47:59 UTC  

Are they high?!

2019-01-08 21:49:06 UTC  

What next? Jacob Rees Mogg is the most working class MP in 2019

2019-01-08 21:49:59 UTC  

Angela Merkel ranked number 1

2019-01-08 21:50:07 UTC  


2019-01-08 21:50:54 UTC  

But she is weak asweo

2019-01-08 21:51:03 UTC  

As well

2019-01-08 21:51:29 UTC  

Compared to May, she's strong as fuck

2019-01-08 21:52:56 UTC  

Not really

2019-01-08 21:53:30 UTC  

At least Theresa May is still leader of the largest party in government

2019-01-08 21:53:57 UTC  

Angela Merkel has no more authority to be chancellor of Germany

2019-01-08 21:54:41 UTC  

She should give the position up to the new CDU leader

2019-01-08 21:54:44 UTC  

But Germany is Germany

2019-01-08 21:55:05 UTC  

Stability first. The Germans won't go all French on Merkel

2019-01-08 21:55:17 UTC  

It will simply be AFD-run protests