Message from @Gоd

Discord ID: 642252710539821066

2019-11-08 06:37:45 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:37:48 UTC  

you reap what you sow

2019-11-08 06:38:01 UTC  

Still don’t care

2019-11-08 06:38:11 UTC  

we brexiteers are just leveling the playing field for scotland and northern ireland

2019-11-08 06:38:25 UTC  

we are giving them back their freedom

2019-11-08 06:38:36 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:38:40 UTC  

Didn’t ask

2019-11-08 06:38:50 UTC  

cosby, shut up. your british union is done

2019-11-08 06:39:12 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:39:20 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:39:23 UTC  

oh does it hurt for you too pelth?

2019-11-08 06:39:28 UTC  

i hope so

2019-11-08 06:39:30 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:40:09 UTC  

the UK should of disbanded for all its crimes a thousand times over

2019-11-08 06:40:23 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:40:45 UTC  

now we voted brexit are now forcing the disbanding of the UK. once and for all

2019-11-08 06:41:04 UTC  

that's what brexit means

2019-11-08 06:41:29 UTC  

justice for the countries around the world, and freedom for scotland and northern ireland

2019-11-08 06:42:31 UTC  

so you remainers that keep the UK together, are actually the biggest villains that's ever been seen in a generation

2019-11-08 06:42:46 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:42:58 UTC  

Cool story bro

2019-11-08 06:43:09 UTC  

oh its not a story dude

2019-11-08 06:43:12 UTC  


2019-11-08 06:43:14 UTC  

its real

2019-11-08 06:43:17 UTC  

kay den

2019-11-08 06:43:17 UTC  

its very real

2019-11-08 06:43:40 UTC  

that's why scotland right NOW, has the easy way out of the UK

2019-11-08 06:44:29 UTC  

and Northern Ireland, has the easy way out by rejoining the republic of Ireland

2019-11-08 06:44:35 UTC  

which i would LOVE to see

2019-11-08 06:45:05 UTC

2019-11-08 06:45:39 UTC  

this is not a story @Gоd, just an unfortunate truth

2019-11-08 06:47:19 UTC  

question is. what are you remainers/brits going to do now? stop brexit and risk destroying democracy or let democracy live and allow Scotland and Northern Ireland and the countries that were abused by the British Empire to have justice to see the UK disband?

2019-11-08 06:47:24 UTC  

well that's a toughie

2019-11-08 06:47:37 UTC  

but i guess you brits enjoy taking on the tough jobs

2019-11-08 06:48:31 UTC  

Didn’t read

2019-11-08 06:48:46 UTC  

so go ahead, stop brexit. destroy democracy. just shows you brits for who you really are

2019-11-08 06:49:05 UTC  

Yeah yeah

2019-11-08 06:49:12 UTC  

well do it then

2019-11-08 06:49:46 UTC  

Cool story bro

2019-11-08 06:49:57 UTC  

you know what, i dont think you brits have the gall to actually let Scotland, Northern Ireland and the former colonies to have justice by disbanding the UK by letting brexit go through

2019-11-08 06:50:13 UTC  

i really dont think you remainers have got the gall