Message from @NewRogernomics

Discord ID: 678717406599970848

2020-02-13 15:51:57 UTC  

Somethin else is pulsating too if ya Ken what I’m talkin about ;))

2020-02-13 15:52:40 UTC  

So you just accepted that you're insecure of your nationality

2020-02-13 15:52:42 UTC  


2020-02-13 15:52:52 UTC  

Nah not that I’m insecure

2020-02-13 15:52:57 UTC  

that's what you said

2020-02-13 15:53:05 UTC  

It’s just a lot more fun not ta tell yeh

2020-02-13 15:53:41 UTC  

Don't stroke too fast behind your monitor 😮

2020-02-13 15:54:52 UTC  

I appreciate the concern my dear

2020-02-13 15:55:17 UTC  

But if it's british concern, then do you really appreciate it?

2020-02-13 15:57:28 UTC  

I’ll fuck a Brit don’t mean I have to like where they comes from

2020-02-13 15:58:13 UTC  

you do you i guess

2020-02-13 16:01:26 UTC  

I will do me

2020-02-13 16:18:08 UTC  

Brexit 🔥

2020-02-14 18:25:15 UTC  

is there a dumpsterfire emoteicon?

2020-02-15 00:52:36 UTC  

Fuck brexit

2020-02-15 11:03:03 UTC  

An Anarchist that is pro-EU?

2020-02-15 23:55:58 UTC  


2020-02-16 11:45:02 UTC  

Isn't the EU the opposite of what an Anarchist wants? A Union of nations that put forward Beaurocrats to encourage Capitalism across the whole Continent?

2020-02-16 14:22:05 UTC  

I may be an anarchist but I love my country

2020-02-16 14:22:19 UTC  

And the eu helps my country

2020-02-16 21:40:39 UTC  

```we're content with economic damage due to leaving the EU but IMF predicts UK will experience largest growth out of the G7, ill take whatever win we can``` That doesn't seem very credible, as all these forecasts have been either over the top optimistic or made by doom merchants, and based on speculative and not factual post-Brexit data. The UK will lose multiple trade deals in the short term that will tank it's growth. More likely in the long term, the UK will keep ahead of Germany and France but behind Canada and the US. Brexit hasn't actually happened yet, as UK is still in the EU market.

2020-02-16 21:45:11 UTC  

I am more interested to see 2021 before speculating on what ifs with GDP, as politicized economists are circling like vultures around the UK right now. 😛

2020-02-16 21:46:06 UTC  

I mean that was from the IMF

2020-02-16 21:46:14 UTC  

And mentioned

2020-02-16 21:46:24 UTC  

brits have accepted economic damage

2020-02-16 21:46:30 UTC  

as leaving the EU

2020-02-16 21:46:35 UTC  

Which is all speculative, just like doomsday predictions.

2020-02-16 21:46:42 UTC  

well done

2020-02-16 21:47:05 UTC  

Explain why euro countries will stay behind Canada

2020-02-16 21:47:12 UTC  

US is understandable

2020-02-16 21:47:34 UTC  

You mean actual GDP or growth rates

2020-02-16 21:48:21 UTC  

GDP growth generally.

2020-02-16 21:49:12 UTC  

Ah okay, well most likely yea, the UK has a large working force in todays and next gen adult working force to help sustain/grow the economy

2020-02-16 21:49:24 UTC  

something which germany doesn't

2020-02-16 21:49:31 UTC  

Because Germany is slowing but won't admit it.

2020-02-16 21:49:37 UTC  


2020-02-16 21:49:40 UTC  

you're not wrong

2020-02-16 21:51:29 UTC  

To be fair, I am waiting for Post-Brexit data, as trade deals aren't final till the end of the year, and first quarter is going to be a poor predictor for future growth - as there will be fear mongering and panic.

2020-02-16 21:52:03 UTC  

Q2/Q3 in 2021 will give much better data.

2020-02-16 21:53:01 UTC  

The UK could top Canada, but that all depends how post-Brexit actually goes.

2020-02-16 21:53:35 UTC  

And how shit Trudeau is.