Message from @Solicitor
Discord ID: 660282911894929435
Or workmen's comp when someone is injured on the job, construction for example.
That's why we have insurance
I have met many people in this field, and they tell me of the risk they face, and unfortunately of some incidients that had occured.
Ah yes, everyone loves their inadequate insurance in the US lol
GG @✨Skolander✨, you just advanced to level 2!
Now, we need to realize that the laborers are the backbone of this country.
Most people do.
Not Washington.
They live in an upper class bubble.
Washington DC?
Of course they do
That's where most of the Democrats live.
And Republicans lol
I'm middle class, I volunteer with the Democrat Youth, I just want to do what's right.
What does the "Democratic Youth" do?
Good luck getting Medicare for all and catching up
Medicare for all is stupid.
It doesn't work what so ever
It's common sense to the rest of the world.
You will get it eventually.
Ww hold meetings, debates, discuss various events, help local congressional candidates and state reps get elected, as well as be present at town halls and other political events. I'd recommend you joining if you're interested in that kind of thing.
Yes, it is common sense to save money.
@✨Skolander✨ SAVE MONEY?
let me explain this to you
Now, here's the thing about healthcare, people deserve it, but we need to find a way to pay for it.
Do you think Canada's healthcare is good?
Good compared to what?
Currently, we spend more on healthcare than many European countries per person, yet recieve less coverage.
And by what metrics?
@✨Skolander✨ Compared to our private healthcare
Yes, it is.
Do you know how long the wait times are?
I believe that those who work or veterans should recieve healthcare.
They do