Message from @Cobra Commander

Discord ID: 651903766890676225

2019-12-04 21:42:12 UTC  

Which in that case I'm more inclined to agree then

2019-12-04 21:42:35 UTC  

Is Greta talking about your cousins? NO, she is talking about WORLD LEADERS not acting because they are enforcing a heirachy, colonialism, etc

2019-12-04 21:43:19 UTC  

No she hasn't just talked about world leaders.

2019-12-04 21:44:23 UTC  

And yes that still doesn't really help much, I do agree regarding the big profile climate change deniers having a worse impact though.

2019-12-04 21:45:44 UTC  

``` Britain's secretary for the environment, Michael Gove, said: "When I listened to you, I felt great admiration, but also responsibility and guilt. I am of your parents' generation, and I recognise that we haven't done nearly enough to address climate change and the broader environmental crisis that we helped to create." ```

2019-12-04 21:45:56 UTC  

maybe she isn't doing harm after all

2019-12-04 21:45:59 UTC  

It's like amazing atheist vs Ken Ham, I very much do not like the former but the latter has a much worse effect

2019-12-04 21:46:17 UTC  

```In August 2019, publication and sales of children's books about the climate crisis reportedly doubled. Publishers attribute this to the "Greta effect".[80]


2019-12-04 21:46:18 UTC  

I didn't say she didn't do anything good.

2019-12-04 21:46:36 UTC  

You basically said that she should stop because she is going to upset people with sensitive feelings

2019-12-04 21:46:48 UTC  

She's a problem, ooo my pearls

2019-12-04 21:46:48 UTC  

I did not at all say that

2019-12-04 21:48:02 UTC  

I said her approach to is is not very good, and I provided an explanation as to why. The conclusion one would typically come to would be "she should change her approach"

2019-12-04 21:48:22 UTC  

```In February 2019, Thunberg shared a stage with the then President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, where he outlined "In the next financial period from 2021 to 2027, every fourth euro spent within the EU budget will go towards action to mitigate climate change".[83] Climate issues also played a significant role in European Parliament election in May 2019[84] as Green parties recorded their highest ever score,[85] boosting their MEP numbers from 52 to 72.[86] Many of the gains came from northern European countries where young people have taken to the streets inspired by Thunberg```

2019-12-04 21:48:33 UTC  

Why should she change her approach when it appears to be working

2019-12-04 21:49:01 UTC  

changing her approach seems more like something the status quo, 'denialists' would want

2019-12-04 21:49:31 UTC  

Because this doesn't address popular support from people who aren't world leaders? Again, other activists have criticized her approach.

2019-12-04 21:49:54 UTC  

There's a *little bit* on people being inspired but that's it

2019-12-04 21:50:30 UTC  

```In June 2019, Swedish Railways (SJ) reported that the number of Swedes taking the train for domestic journeys had risen by 8% from the previous year, reflecting growing public concern about the impact of flying on CO2 emissions that is highlighted by Thunberg's refusal to fly to international conferences. ```

2019-12-04 21:52:08 UTC  

you keep saying stuff that appears to not be true

2019-12-04 21:53:43 UTC  

ok i read it

2019-12-04 21:55:20 UTC  

ok i read that one too

2019-12-04 21:55:31 UTC  

he is basically proving her point

2019-12-04 21:55:42 UTC  

```Democracy often calls for waiting and seeing. Patience may be democracy’s cardinal virtue. Climate change is a serious issue. But to say, “We can’t wait,” is to invite a problem just as grave.```

2019-12-04 21:56:14 UTC  

I don't think there is a crisis of democracy, especially considering the money in politics that fights AGAINST climate change action

2019-12-04 21:56:55 UTC  

if anything, she is highlighting the need to EXPAND democracy, and maybe have less 'representation' because it's much harder to bribe an entire society than a few reps

2019-12-04 21:57:26 UTC  

he is basically saying populism is at odds with democracy, which is nonsensical

2019-12-04 21:58:35 UTC  

what is more democratic than taking your message to the people on twitter and chastizing leaders in public to their face when they are shown not to be taking it seriously and/or might be corrupt on the topic?

2019-12-04 21:58:54 UTC  

article about that article you linked

2019-12-04 22:00:00 UTC  

```Author's claim is that Thunberg's activism is antidemocratic because she privileges action over argument. But his strategy to persuade you of that is to (very explicitly) disqualify her, listing a series of attributes that make her unsuited to be a partner in democratic debate.```

2019-12-04 22:00:03 UTC  

When you limit representation in a decision you limit democracy. That was completely nonsensical.

2019-12-04 22:00:25 UTC  

no, it's about widening democracy and having less represenTATIVES

2019-12-04 22:00:29 UTC  

as in more direct democracy

2019-12-04 22:00:41 UTC  

fewer buffer layers inbetween

2019-12-04 22:01:06 UTC  

You could just limit congressional terms and have more luck there

2019-12-04 22:01:24 UTC  

no that's the wrong axis, temporal, you want to increase the surface area of contact

2019-12-04 22:01:54 UTC  

in the us, maybe have 1305 reps instead of 435, so 3 x more

2019-12-04 22:02:14 UTC  

or just do more direct voting since tech has advanced beyond pony express