Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 572670739644284928

2019-04-30 06:15:33 UTC  

That guy obviously has some sort of tism, but he isn't wrong.
Trump tends to continue on topics, old topics.
John McCain for example. Still shitting on him post-mortem. He tends to utilize saying the same thing over and over to his advantage. Broken Record Tactics. No Collusion No Delusion No Exclusion! kind of shit.

2019-04-30 06:17:06 UTC  

2 things that piss me off about Trump is initially his time spent on vacations. He's spent in less than 4 years what Obama has spent in 8. Tax Money on vacations.
Additionally his public schedule every day is the first half of the day being "executive time" which is supposedly just him watching TV and fox news.

2019-04-30 06:18:09 UTC  

The democrats would have faired much better in 2016 and 2020 if they focused less on "DRUMP IS NAZI TAKING OVER PUTTING CHILDREN IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS" and more on debating his policy. You're proving my point by complaining about his vacation time and day schedule, no right leaning individual is going to say "Fuck, he has more vacation time? Bernie2020!"

2019-04-30 06:19:32 UTC  

Also, Trump doesn't exactly take a salary, and he pays for everything he eats out of pocket, so I'm not sure how he is spending tax money on his vacations

2019-04-30 06:19:43 UTC  

Well, he's a billionaire. So...

2019-04-30 06:19:44 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-04-30 06:20:01 UTC  


2019-04-30 06:20:09 UTC  

Also yes, tax money is spent on vacations. Paying secret service, money is paid to Mar-A-Lago from the goverment, etc.

2019-04-30 06:20:27 UTC  

Flying to the golf courses

2019-04-30 06:20:31 UTC  

Costs money

2019-04-30 06:20:44 UTC  

So you believe that you will win the 2020 elections by pointing out that secret service must be payed to protect the president while he plays golf? Come on now...

2019-04-30 06:21:21 UTC  

Negative. The point is to show you how much the man cares about his job. He spends way more time fucking around instead of working on politics.

2019-04-30 06:21:51 UTC  

He openly lies about so many things, constantly, compulsively.
His character is garbage and its upsetting to have someone like this representing our country.

2019-04-30 06:22:12 UTC  

Can you explain to me how Trump can be both a power hungry idiot white supremacist nazi, and also a fuckoff who doesn't care about his job or politics?

2019-04-30 06:22:25 UTC  

These two views do not mesh together.

2019-04-30 06:25:39 UTC  

And you can disagree with Trump's personality, he does have an ego and can talk too much, but does that make him some sort of terrible human? Not really. Is he the most effective president we've seen? No. But, and this is a big but, if the dems are going to be parading around Biden or Bernie then they don't stand a chance.

2019-04-30 06:26:07 UTC  

Okay so, a 'power hungry idiot white supremacist nazi' is not a term. He is power hungry, we can see that he gets upset when even his own aids make any statement against his will. He is an idiot, openly not understanding separate policies and combatting his staff on the definitions of political terms such as the referendum of understanding. He isn't a white supremacist or a nazi. But David Duke and many white supremacists tout his name as a war cry. And when asked about David Duke supporting him and his campaign, "ahh idk who that is" pretending like he doesn't know who David Duke is. It is for this reason that the white nationalists have gravitated towards him because while most politicians will immediately denounce that support he simply denied knowing about it.

2019-04-30 06:26:59 UTC  

Now the Democrats had a blue wave and won the house based on a heavy focus on local policies. If certain candidates push that same rhetoric that would indicate for a stronger campaign than simply, a "vote for me cuz I'm not Trump" campaign. You're correct.

2019-04-30 06:27:38 UTC  

Ok. but you've just also said he "spends more time fucking around then doing his job or working on politics". Please explain how somebody can be both power hungry, and yet not apparently take politics seriously

2019-04-30 06:29:01 UTC  

Trump has denounced white supremacists more times then I care to remember, over and over, so an incredibly small handful of people saying they support Trump doesn't make a difference.

2019-04-30 06:29:04 UTC  

Easily. Someone can fuck around and sit on the couch half the day and then the next half spent pushing different policies and getting absolutely heated when it doesn't go his way.

2019-04-30 06:30:12 UTC  

If he's spending half his day sitting on a couch doing nothing, he apparently does not care about politics or power, and if he gets heated and is pushing policies, then he can't really be spending much time on his couch...

2019-04-30 06:30:26 UTC  

These are not two views you can have that co-exist in any logical sense

2019-04-30 06:31:14 UTC  

A good analogy would be calling somebody both incredibly lazy and hard working. A person cannot really be both

2019-04-30 06:32:21 UTC  

Overall, I think that unless an incredibly popular alternative is presented, Trump absolutely has 2020 in the bag. As of right now, every announced dem candidate *is* just riding on fantasy or "i'm not drumpf"

2019-04-30 06:33:19 UTC  

He denounces white supremacy but openly stated that there were "very fine people" on both sides of the Charltsville protests.

2019-04-30 06:33:30 UTC  

Also thats not true. Being power hungry is not being a hard worker lmfao

2019-04-30 06:33:35 UTC  

Its just the greed of power.

2019-04-30 06:33:47 UTC  

You can be humble and still be greedy.

2019-04-30 06:33:53 UTC  

They aren't exclusive.

2019-04-30 06:34:24 UTC  

That is a strawman argument.

2019-04-30 06:34:25 UTC  

Ah, now this is a comment misleading statement I hear. The "very fine people" quote. I'll break it down for you, one sec

2019-04-30 06:35:37 UTC  

Right, again. He's not being openly a supremacist or racist. But he should be absolutely always shitting on those people. But instead he simply avoids talking about it all.

2019-04-30 06:35:43 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @Billcat has been warned
reason: Duplicated text

2019-04-30 06:35:52 UTC  

Oh wow, thanks bot. Trying to post a quote...yeesh

2019-04-30 06:37:40 UTC  

**Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name** This is the follow up to the "very fine people" misquote. See, the context you represent it, you imply Trump is somehow saying white supremacists are very fine people. However, numerous times after this, he explicitly stated that he was referring to the non neo nazis protesting the statue's removals for a variety of reasons, and outright condemned the white supremacists / neo nazis

2019-04-30 06:38:22 UTC  

See, this is the kind of tactic i'm talking about. This sort of half truth to promote outrage, however when you spend more than 2 minutes looking into it, you can see there is an entire story behind it. This is why the term "fake news" is so popular.

2019-04-30 06:39:40 UTC  

You are correct. My apologies. Lets throw out the fine people point. But we still have the David Duke denial, bad hombre quotes, "my african american" at the rally. And many many other subtle activies that just put a bad taste in your mouth. He might denounce racism, but how come the racists are all supporting him? It doesn't add up.

2019-04-30 06:42:13 UTC  

If you don't mine the whataboutism, unsavory groups always rally to the candidate vaguely on their side of the aisle. You had antifa members in 2016 and 2017 bashing people's heads in who supported Bernie Sanders, however I doubt Bernie supported it. As for his other quotes, so what? Trump is, what, in his mid 70s? He isn't exactly a politically correct person, which is another reason he resonated with so many average americans. A lot of people were and are tired of being told they should be ashamed for being white, should feel guilty for what their ancestors did, and should take a back seat to other groups.

2019-04-30 06:44:11 UTC  

A. They should feel guilty about slavery so it never happens again.
B. Being PC has nothing to do with white-shaming people.
C. Worrying about whites becoming a minority is inherently racist.

2019-04-30 06:46:27 UTC  

A) I feel no guilt about slavery, because I never enslaved anybody. Nobody I know ever owned a slave, why should I feel any sort of guilt for it? Do I think it's shitty that it happened? Of course I do, however if we should feel guilt by the actions of our ancestors then where are the African Americans apologizing for their ancestor's tribes selling other tribes into slavery? Where are those of middle eastern decent apologizing for the magnitude larger barbary slave trade / other thousands of years of middle eastern led slavery?