Message from @Billcat

Discord ID: 572676345604341770

2019-04-30 06:34:25 UTC  

Ah, now this is a comment misleading statement I hear. The "very fine people" quote. I'll break it down for you, one sec

2019-04-30 06:35:37 UTC  

Right, again. He's not being openly a supremacist or racist. But he should be absolutely always shitting on those people. But instead he simply avoids talking about it all.

2019-04-30 06:35:43 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @Billcat has been warned
reason: Duplicated text

2019-04-30 06:35:52 UTC  

Oh wow, thanks bot. Trying to post a quote...yeesh

2019-04-30 06:37:40 UTC  

**Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name** This is the follow up to the "very fine people" misquote. See, the context you represent it, you imply Trump is somehow saying white supremacists are very fine people. However, numerous times after this, he explicitly stated that he was referring to the non neo nazis protesting the statue's removals for a variety of reasons, and outright condemned the white supremacists / neo nazis

2019-04-30 06:38:22 UTC  

See, this is the kind of tactic i'm talking about. This sort of half truth to promote outrage, however when you spend more than 2 minutes looking into it, you can see there is an entire story behind it. This is why the term "fake news" is so popular.

2019-04-30 06:39:40 UTC  

You are correct. My apologies. Lets throw out the fine people point. But we still have the David Duke denial, bad hombre quotes, "my african american" at the rally. And many many other subtle activies that just put a bad taste in your mouth. He might denounce racism, but how come the racists are all supporting him? It doesn't add up.

2019-04-30 06:42:13 UTC  

If you don't mine the whataboutism, unsavory groups always rally to the candidate vaguely on their side of the aisle. You had antifa members in 2016 and 2017 bashing people's heads in who supported Bernie Sanders, however I doubt Bernie supported it. As for his other quotes, so what? Trump is, what, in his mid 70s? He isn't exactly a politically correct person, which is another reason he resonated with so many average americans. A lot of people were and are tired of being told they should be ashamed for being white, should feel guilty for what their ancestors did, and should take a back seat to other groups.

2019-04-30 06:44:11 UTC  

A. They should feel guilty about slavery so it never happens again.
B. Being PC has nothing to do with white-shaming people.
C. Worrying about whites becoming a minority is inherently racist.

2019-04-30 06:46:27 UTC  

A) I feel no guilt about slavery, because I never enslaved anybody. Nobody I know ever owned a slave, why should I feel any sort of guilt for it? Do I think it's shitty that it happened? Of course I do, however if we should feel guilt by the actions of our ancestors then where are the African Americans apologizing for their ancestor's tribes selling other tribes into slavery? Where are those of middle eastern decent apologizing for the magnitude larger barbary slave trade / other thousands of years of middle eastern led slavery?

2019-04-30 06:47:11 UTC  

Anti is anti-facism.
Supremacy is racism.

Antifa being violent is not good, but they're pushing a political idea.
White Supremacy, violent or non-violent is toxic, shouldn't be supported by anybody. If Trump vaugely sides with white supremacists.. thats not a good thing.

2019-04-30 06:47:25 UTC  

B) PC culture is inherently entangled with SJW culture, the idea that justice should be societal instead of based on the individual. White guilt is an inherently social justice concept, that being all whites should feel guilty for the actions of their ancestors.

2019-04-30 06:47:59 UTC  

Are you trying to tell me white nationalism is not a political idea because it involves race?

2019-04-30 06:48:32 UTC  

I'm telling you that its toxic and transcends any politics.

2019-04-30 06:49:08 UTC  

Lol, not even. Whether you're attacking somebody for their skin color or political leaning, violence in the modern political discourse is never ok. Putting white supremacy on some sort of pedestal that discounts the actions of groups like Antifa is just apologists 101

2019-04-30 06:49:38 UTC  

Also, how is worrying about your people becoming a minority in your homeland racist? What?

2019-04-30 06:49:44 UTC  


2019-04-30 06:50:16 UTC  

It doesn't matter whether or not white nationalism is or isn't political.
It should be repulsive to every single person in here.
Nobody should support white nationalism or white supremacy.
Its entirely disgusting. Thats not pushing for the recusal of what Antifa did. They fucked up. What i'm saying is that what Antifa did does not match up with what White Supremacists did and are still doign.

2019-04-30 06:50:59 UTC  

Please tell me your plans to diversify Africa and Asia?

2019-04-30 06:51:06 UTC  

Your homeland? This isn't a white persons homeland. We took this land from native americans and europeans because we figured it was manifest destiny. There is not such thing as USA being a white homeland.

2019-04-30 06:51:20 UTC  

Ok, and what I'm saying is you putting white supremacy or the actions of whites while dismissing the actions of groups motivated by other political reasoning or other racial reasoning is called being an apologist

2019-04-30 06:51:35 UTC  

Is Europe a white homeland?

2019-04-30 06:51:53 UTC  

I mean, the native americans were here for quite a long time, and I never really remember reading about them getting much done

2019-04-30 06:52:09 UTC  

It doesn't matter, they were here first. The hell lol

2019-04-30 06:52:13 UTC  

There were Native American tribes with European DNA though

2019-04-30 06:52:17 UTC  

So technically

2019-04-30 06:52:26 UTC  

Not to mention they didn't have a concept of land ownership or borders, instead roaming large areas of land where they would only be present for short periods of time

2019-04-30 06:52:30 UTC  

So its okay to imperialize land because the ppl in that land aren't "getting much done"?

2019-04-30 06:52:45 UTC  

If they are not even physically present in the land then how would you even know?

2019-04-30 06:53:23 UTC  

If they are living on that land, they are physically present in that land. Just because they didn't have a concept of the land they were on doesn't mean they aren't "legally there" or something?

2019-04-30 06:53:38 UTC  

Native Americans lived a mostly nomadic lifestyle, settlers didn't typically go around burning down tent cities and putting a log cabin on top. A series of escalations on both sides eventually let to a feedback loop of violence in the new world

2019-04-30 06:53:59 UTC  

One side would do something, the other would seek retribution, and vice versa. The natives got the short end of the stick and here we are

2019-04-30 06:54:11 UTC  

@Deleted User Is Europe a white homeland?

2019-04-30 06:54:27 UTC  

I don't know. I'm not an expert on the origins on europe.

2019-04-30 06:54:27 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-04-30 06:54:51 UTC  

I obviously think that what happened is absolutely terrible, but there is a lot more to hundreds of years of on and off indian wars with countless tribes than "Evil whitey killed all dem natives"

2019-04-30 06:55:15 UTC  

I'm not suggesting that at all. Don't put words in my mouth.

2019-04-30 06:55:43 UTC  

I'm well aware the native americans were extremely violent to the english immigrants.

2019-04-30 06:55:48 UTC  

But you entirely are, by implying that the north american continent is somehow not a homeland for generations of white settlers

2019-04-30 06:56:31 UTC  

For example, I can trace my family here all the way back to the early 1800s, where they immigrated from german and poland. However I don't consider either of those places my homeland

2019-04-30 06:56:32 UTC  

It doesn't matter how long white people have been here if the natives were here first. White people are immigrants to this part of America.