Message from @Pelth

Discord ID: 631630625870315532

2019-10-09 23:09:01 UTC  

It helps warren more than anyone else

2019-10-09 23:09:15 UTC  

nobody likes pocahontas

2019-10-09 23:09:26 UTC  

Yeeaaah except a majority of people

2019-10-09 23:09:30 UTC  

when she is leading, you know that you've got a terrible selection

2019-10-09 23:09:35 UTC  

Her favorables are higher than trump

2019-10-09 23:09:42 UTC  

Lol right

2019-10-09 23:10:05 UTC  

You’re incredibly out of touch with America if you actually believe that

2019-10-09 23:10:10 UTC  

I gotta block this Sophisticated bitch

2019-10-09 23:10:31 UTC  

I'm sick of your sjw bullshit

2019-10-09 23:10:37 UTC  

I prefer Bernie over Warren, however I can see the value in having him VP for her instead

2019-10-09 23:11:25 UTC  

And polling disagrees with you Pelth

2019-10-09 23:11:47 UTC  

Cue “polls were wrong once so are always wrong”

2019-10-09 23:11:47 UTC  

I already talked about how early head to head polling is worthless at this stage

2019-10-09 23:11:49 UTC  

Warren is hugely popular though and gaining

2019-10-09 23:12:18 UTC  

No one is talking about head to head

2019-10-09 23:12:38 UTC  

most people barely even know who warren is

2019-10-09 23:12:43 UTC  

most voters

2019-10-09 23:12:50 UTC  

Also false

2019-10-09 23:12:58 UTC  

the most they know is that she pretended to be native american

2019-10-09 23:13:08 UTC  

And is polled In the net fav

2019-10-09 23:14:50 UTC  

it's not embeding anymore for some reason

2019-10-09 23:14:51 UTC  

Rep vs dem; one knows her as mass senator and such, the other only pocahontas

2019-10-09 23:15:20 UTC  

By rep vs dem; I mean trumpers and everyone else

2019-10-09 23:16:41 UTC  

Its not about party difference anymore; its trump or no trump

2019-10-09 23:17:09 UTC  

democrats are ditching moderates to prop up far left candidates that nobody wants

2019-10-09 23:17:14 UTC  

like warren

2019-10-09 23:17:38 UTC  

hillary was a moderate and that's why it was as close as it was

2019-10-09 23:29:37 UTC  

Prepare to serve your new masters. The Red Age.

2019-10-09 23:29:55 UTC  


2019-10-10 00:08:00 UTC  


2019-10-10 00:10:12 UTC  


2019-10-10 03:14:57 UTC  

Trump is really falling apart

2019-10-10 03:15:22 UTC  

Like a rotting whale carcass being picked apart by birds on the beach

2019-10-10 11:27:16 UTC  

The Democrat vs Republican is NOT behind the impeachment. Here's why
Thd GOP has become the TRUMP party. If can literally ensure or destroy anyone in Congress who speak out against it. And Trump who likes 'loyalty' has caused popular GOP candidates who spoke out against him or even his ideas to lose electioms.

The GOP Congress is voting and speaking from fear, not convictiou

2019-10-10 11:28:03 UTC  

..not convictions

2019-10-10 11:28:07 UTC  

Go back to Salon Wine Aunt

2019-10-10 11:29:05 UTC  

Ah brilliant

2019-10-10 11:55:36 UTC  

iirc, GOP is pretty split on this

2019-10-10 11:56:03 UTC  

Trump isn't really the type person to uphold christian values and free trade like the rep use to talk about