Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 642030076887564319

2019-11-07 15:02:51 UTC  

```Alex Jones Goes on Tirade Against Roger Stone Jurors
“We’ve got her name, and we’re going to release it,” the conspiracy theorist said of one potential juror—but in his rush to defend his ally he appears to have got the wrong person.```

2019-11-07 15:34:45 UTC  

just calling something "conspiracy theory" in order to ignore it is pretty basic ad-hom I don't know how people don't get that

2019-11-07 15:35:08 UTC  

it's not a counter-argument to anything you're just trying to discredit it or its source rather than provide counter-arguments

2019-11-07 15:35:26 UTC  

Because it's easy to do.

2019-11-07 15:35:31 UTC  

And it's effective to do.

2019-11-07 15:35:46 UTC  

<:NPC:583235813895176193> "oh, I shee you shaid somefing alecksh jonesh said... well shweety let this shink in"

2019-11-07 15:36:43 UTC  

well muh conspiracy tard Jones talked about elite pedophile rings and now it's evident ABC sat on that kind of story for a while and now after this Epstein business it's all turning out to be true

2019-11-07 15:45:28 UTC  

Clips of them there to see him in the raw without all that biased commentary

2019-11-07 15:46:01 UTC  

Well ALex Jones is a conspiracy theorist, nothing wrong with that. Jury tampering...that I dunno. Might be a bridge too far

2019-11-07 15:46:15 UTC  

He has been sued for things like sandy hook, etc

2019-11-07 15:46:44 UTC  

Nobody bats 1.000, theory has to come into the equation at some point to get started

2019-11-07 15:47:17 UTC  

People's REACTION to the phrase conspiracy theory is the issue, nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist. every FBI special agent is a conspiracy theorist, etc

2019-11-07 15:47:40 UTC  

unfortunately being reasonable like Sh0t is not the status quo

2019-11-07 15:48:14 UTC  

Do you think Alex Jones is jury tampering in this instance?

2019-11-07 15:49:10 UTC  

Do you think jury tampering should be a crime?

2019-11-07 15:57:04 UTC  

It’s called source analysis Chlor

2019-11-07 15:57:24 UTC  

Alex Jones doesn’t report real things

2019-11-07 15:57:45 UTC  

In fact he testified under oath that his reporting is just a persona and he doesn’t stand by it

2019-11-07 15:58:13 UTC  

The 50 Cent defense

2019-11-07 15:58:18 UTC  

So when someone who peddles in conspiracy theories says something, it might be true

2019-11-07 15:58:24 UTC  

But the burden of proof shifts

2019-11-07 15:59:32 UTC  

```The Joneses divorced in 2015 and Jones pays his ex-wife $43,000 a month.```

2019-11-07 15:59:37 UTC  


2019-11-07 15:59:47 UTC  


2019-11-07 15:59:57 UTC

2019-11-07 15:59:59 UTC  

Literally all republicans

2019-11-07 16:00:36 UTC  

yeaup, that pump has been primed hard with all the "We are a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY" talk from previous decade

2019-11-07 16:00:42 UTC  


2019-11-07 16:00:58 UTC  

My favorite is the maps that show how much of the country is red

2019-11-07 16:01:15 UTC  


2019-11-07 16:01:20 UTC  

These are the same people that gave us the 3/5ths compromise

2019-11-07 16:01:28 UTC  


2019-11-07 16:01:57 UTC  

1 Acre = 1 Vote: Trump 2020

2019-11-07 16:03:14 UTC  

I dunno how a society can survive with such underlying issues

2019-11-07 16:03:45 UTC  

Have they taught enough of their young to carry on the tradition?

2019-11-07 16:03:56 UTC  

Which tradition is that

2019-11-07 16:04:41 UTC  

Whatever you call that mentality above

2019-11-07 16:05:45 UTC  

It reminds me of what my dad told me about during the "black movement" days. He was involved, but staunchly pro-American, so he and his people would tell the 'feelers' to fuck off

2019-11-07 16:06:19 UTC  

I felt the shift as people I was close to began to really question their loyalties for 'the bigger picture', which might have been White Nationalism or something related

2019-11-07 16:07:45 UTC  

It's the oldest Hook in the US, I'm a fan of the Bacon's Rebellion starting point thesis, if for nothing more than pure trivia, but It has been that consistent thread nefarious types could pull on in the US, for any reason.