Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 661250789318066222

2019-12-30 16:08:24 UTC  

Young and naïve

2019-12-30 16:08:32 UTC  

Hey, what are you gonna do

2019-12-30 16:08:45 UTC  

Yeah true, everything is settled xD

2019-12-30 16:08:49 UTC  


2019-12-30 16:08:49 UTC  


2019-12-30 16:08:54 UTC  

<a:movingrainbowbird:534537732035444736> <a:portalrainbowbird:534538151272775706>

2019-12-30 16:09:08 UTC  

It is why Trump keeps on saying the things about Obama xD

2019-12-30 16:09:17 UTC  

I think Obama told him about it xD

2019-12-30 16:09:26 UTC  

told him about what

2019-12-30 16:09:32 UTC  

<a:movingrainbowbird:534537732035444736> <a:portalrainbowbird:534538151272775706>

2019-12-30 16:09:34 UTC  

What i did with Obama

2019-12-30 16:09:38 UTC  


2019-12-30 16:09:46 UTC  

I order Obama to stand down xD

2019-12-30 16:10:02 UTC  

and Obama ordered state police to stand down since i admitted what i did

2019-12-30 16:10:12 UTC  

<a:movingrainbowbird:534537732035444736> <a:portalrainbowbird:534538151272775706>

2019-12-30 16:10:19 UTC  

I think that officer still has a grudge xD

2019-12-30 16:10:35 UTC  

It was a male one don't know name

2019-12-30 16:11:18 UTC  

Trump would have killed me if I did it

2019-12-30 16:11:34 UTC  

Even if it meant he would have to legally be killed too due to what I know

2019-12-30 16:54:24 UTC  

^pathological liar

2019-12-30 16:54:33 UTC  

Who is also not a native English speaker

2019-12-30 16:56:07 UTC  

Idiots in AMerica: Trump racist

2019-12-30 16:57:28 UTC  

@Deleted User What did I lie about? Do you have an intelligence complex or something?

2019-12-30 17:00:22 UTC  

Also, I was a tad lazy about my Grammar growing up since I got disappointed in my Education at a young age. So sometimes it takes me longer to write error free, grammatically.

2019-12-30 17:02:24 UTC  

Disappointed because I was doing multiplication and algebra before all but one person in the class. She was just as smart as me at the time, and then I just stopped caring.

2019-12-30 17:04:28 UTC  

When law, logic, and math collide, bad things happen since law is more fantasy of what you want and logic and math are always right [At least in reality, not always by perception].

2019-12-30 17:11:41 UTC  

Headless, did you give Obama that fist bump I asked for?

2019-12-30 17:18:59 UTC  

Nope, don't plan on it too.

2019-12-30 17:21:23 UTC  

What if he really believes what he's saying

2019-12-30 17:23:33 UTC  

These things really did happen, that is the funny part. Obama even mention if someone did believe me, I have a safe counter measure to it to prevent me from dying. Maybe he called you to do these counter claims to not blow my cover? I don't know for sure on that one though but it is possible.

2019-12-30 17:24:16 UTC  

I know the safe house system just in case too.

2019-12-30 17:25:00 UTC  

I'm sorry for your delusions. Seek help

2019-12-30 17:25:46 UTC  

I am sorry for your delusions, you must seek help since you have no evidence these classified events never happened.

2019-12-30 17:25:56 UTC  


2019-12-30 17:26:08 UTC  

OMG! Are you Q?

2019-12-30 17:26:24 UTC  

Do you honestly think Obama will tell you about it unless he wants to leverage me? He'd only do it at the right time.

2019-12-30 17:26:36 UTC  

are you Q?

2019-12-30 17:26:53 UTC  

Who is Q? Is it a code name for something?

2019-12-30 17:27:05 UTC  


2019-12-30 17:27:22 UTC  

So you worked with Obama?

2019-12-30 17:27:26 UTC  
