Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 663861064517156916

2020-01-06 21:40:28 UTC  

if you go back, you can find contemporary issues with the washington naval conference, our collision course with britain and then walk forward, look at testimony by people like gen wedemeyer and how our china policy got jacked up, the critisim of Sir robert Thompson and his potential undermining of our vietnam war effort

2020-01-06 21:40:32 UTC  

being in vietnam to begin with

2020-01-06 21:41:34 UTC  

sort of like the American Firsters now, we had people then who were distrustful of Britain, but they have been written out of history. it also ties in to the real blame for pearl harbor, and you can see that in the official corrections to the military records of the commanders

2020-01-06 21:42:09 UTC  

Kimmel was basically the one at fault, from DC, kept FDR out of the loop, the brits kept us out of the loop of some SIGINT, patton's comments on the brits, etc

2020-01-06 21:42:24 UTC  

marshall was main one for the china catastrophe, wedemeyer

2020-01-06 21:42:52 UTC  

Interesting stuff but not that surprising when you think about it

2020-01-06 21:43:29 UTC  

US has a major counterintelligence problem, but we've "lost" that battle so it' snot really talked about except in some flashes abotu israel here and there or Russia

2020-01-06 21:43:43 UTC  

for example the SOE and Stevenson and Roald Dahl

2020-01-06 21:43:54 UTC  

blatant Britain covert operation against the US

2020-01-06 21:44:07 UTC  

Dahl as in willa wonka, he was a spy, sent here to influence primarily clare booth luce

2020-01-06 21:44:29 UTC  

shot down in battle of britain, migranes so they made him a spy and he went to work with Intrepid

2020-01-06 21:44:35 UTC  

"get the us in the war!"

2020-01-06 21:44:47 UTC  

Well we could conclude that the US had the last laugh anyway

2020-01-06 21:45:12 UTC  

don't be so sure, i see British influence in many of our foreign policy mistakes

2020-01-06 21:45:22 UTC  


2020-01-06 21:45:25 UTC  

especially with regards to Iran even in 53

2020-01-06 21:45:27 UTC  


2020-01-06 21:45:47 UTC  

Could it be possible that another reason for Brexit is because of that influence?

2020-01-06 21:46:08 UTC  

Because from what i'm seeing the rest of the EU is trying to distance itself from the US

2020-01-06 21:46:30 UTC  

It's tough to say/see this close, but there is clearly a nationalist thread in Britan that larps the british empire still being aroun

2020-01-06 21:46:51 UTC  

yea they are trying but it's not that simple. countries like Germany depend on the US maintained global order

2020-01-06 21:47:00 UTC  

any export heavy economy basically depends on the US navy etc

2020-01-06 21:47:19 UTC  

Trying but not succeeding basically

2020-01-06 21:47:28 UTC  

Not until something changes

2020-01-06 21:47:46 UTC  

well main thing in Europe is the Germans are too selfish to do what we do to have our position

2020-01-06 21:48:01 UTC  

'basically' run twin deficits

2020-01-06 21:48:19 UTC  

OR just scrap monetary union altogether, but Germany benefits from the curreny monetary policy

2020-01-06 21:48:37 UTC  

Germany accuses Greece of behaving in ways Greece can't really avoid, because of Germany's massive trade surplus

2020-01-06 21:48:56 UTC  

in prior days, Greece would have devalued and evened out things, but with Euro, they can't, so they are stuck

2020-01-06 21:49:27 UTC  

This was one of the most predicted effects of the Euro prior to its creation, from socialists, capitalists, etc. they all could see it

2020-01-06 21:50:21 UTC  

And as a Romanian MEP put it, the capital flows are also east to west, in addition to the obvious from the monetary policy

2020-01-06 21:50:56 UTC  

Interesting. It gets even muddier than I initially thought

2020-01-06 21:52:13 UTC  

tricks of the trade, bad econ might be taught for a reason

2020-01-06 21:52:41 UTC  

in the US we have a different scenario. We have a monetary union, a fiscal union(but it's lopsided) and the COnstitution EXPLICITLY outlaws tariffs between the states

2020-01-06 21:53:12 UTC  

imagine if the last part weren't true, many states would have tariffs on other states. "low wage labor" from southern carolina impacting california or whatever

2020-01-06 21:53:35 UTC  

instead we use tricks like the minimum wage law. Federal min wage hits the whole country, but cost of living is different so the effects are not the same

2020-01-06 21:54:10 UTC  

if cost of living is 20 an hour in boston, but 7 in south carolina, federal min wage of 8 bucks hurts SC more than boston, erodes their cost of labor advantage

2020-01-06 21:55:27 UTC  

if tariffs were allowed internally, you could imagine tariff lines all over the place in the US. in place of that, we have fiscal sharing where california 'taxes' are spent in south carolina, so they we have many states that are net tax-winners, paying far less than they get

2020-01-06 21:56:46 UTC  

Look, a normal conversation on this server

2020-01-06 21:56:50 UTC  

How rare

2020-01-06 21:57:02 UTC  

Of course it's between sh0t and boo