Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 664311178612441129

2020-01-08 03:30:32 UTC  

@Yusa the poor worker harder for far less benefit than the rich and catastrophic, consistent results. This is indisputable. Self improvement only goes so far against the economic net you're born in.

2020-01-08 03:30:34 UTC  

two separate things, BUT there will be policy ebcause educators and real experts debate it all the time

2020-01-08 03:31:08 UTC  

it could be county by county, with the fedgov takig muni debt on its balance sheet

2020-01-08 03:31:16 UTC  

But they finance it through a pre-approved program

2020-01-08 03:31:17 UTC  

main issue is the monetary sovereign pays for it

2020-01-08 03:31:32 UTC  

that statement is meaningless

2020-01-08 03:31:41 UTC  

Notice the schools they are financing now.

2020-01-08 03:31:51 UTC  

household debt is high because many have big student loans

2020-01-08 03:31:55 UTC  

Public schools and high schools

2020-01-08 03:32:03 UTC  

gov can take those and put on their balance sheets and muni/state debt for education

2020-01-08 03:32:16 UTC  

those work via property taxes, whic is probably a bad idea

2020-01-08 03:32:28 UTC  

monetary soveriegn should pay for education, but the local areas can have control

2020-01-08 03:32:31 UTC  

@Yusa The mere prescence of public education skyrocketing literacy rates alone is indispensable. Charter schools are a con that you saw in Michigan (the purveyor of which is our current Edu Secratary, Devos)

2020-01-08 03:32:36 UTC  

(or not) the policy moves are a different debate

2020-01-08 03:33:13 UTC  

they use the tight purse strings to control the public. it's based on a fallacious econoic argument that many good people believe

2020-01-08 03:33:25 UTC  

good news, it is wrong so there is no danger in gettig rid of those bad beliefs

2020-01-08 03:34:05 UTC  

if you want to crippl eyour future, saddle young adults with massive debt and no healthcare

2020-01-08 03:34:24 UTC  

that might be the POINT of our bad policies, to keep the elites in power

2020-01-08 03:34:36 UTC  

would not surprise me

2020-01-08 03:34:38 UTC  

I personally can testify to the failing of the public education system that the government has financed. You are forced to comply with state regulations

2020-01-08 03:35:27 UTC  

how well public school does varies wildly based on the administration per district

2020-01-08 03:35:49 UTC  

we are arguing for financing higher education, and removing the state/muni burden for education

2020-01-08 03:35:57 UTC  

In regards to healthcare, I agree that the system we have for it now is utterly stupid and needs fixed, but not by the government financing it all.

2020-01-08 03:36:01 UTC  

policy fights over WHAT to teach and how can be done locally

2020-01-08 03:36:28 UTC  

health caer has major externalities that are beyond the scope of normal market functions

2020-01-08 03:36:37 UTC  

including disease outbreaks and monitoring

2020-01-08 03:36:47 UTC

2020-01-08 03:36:48 UTC  

the US prefers medicare for all than a british style NHS

2020-01-08 03:37:11 UTC  

you put the healthcare spending on fedgov balance sheet, then let local health networks handle the care

2020-01-08 03:37:20 UTC  

similar to how military industrial complex works

2020-01-08 03:37:38 UTC  

the health outcomes give the discipine to the system, easy to monitor

2020-01-08 03:37:52 UTC  

same way we can monitor quality control of an aircraft part for a rhino

2020-01-08 03:38:14 UTC  

or how the USMC School of Infantry is performing, etc

2020-01-08 03:38:33 UTC  

the illusio of a totally 'private' sphere is just that

2020-01-08 03:38:41 UTC  

corporations have limited liability, IP laws, etc

2020-01-08 03:38:53 UTC  

Alright, let’s focus on higher education. I don’t like the system just as much as you don’t. Debts, loans, and all of that other stuff is horrible. Which is why I focus on creating a better, lower-priced education system. I have a plan to fix education without getting the government involved.

2020-01-08 03:38:56 UTC  

limited liability is a massive gov intervention nobody cries about because it 'benefits' them, it's baked in

2020-01-08 03:39:29 UTC  

the lowest price for the USER is zero, which also adds productivity to the society

2020-01-08 03:40:17 UTC  

what education costs from operative standpoitn depends on what you are teaching and what outcomes you are looking for

2020-01-08 03:41:10 UTC  

society wide, we already spend a ton on education, it' sjust done in a sloppy fashion. single payer fixes that issue, but then the education outcomes are still handled institutionally

2020-01-08 03:41:37 UTC  

the fallacy is in assuming colleges need ot compete on 'price' versus education quality