Message from @Vlad

Discord ID: 667381800443838474

2020-01-16 14:48:07 UTC  

Like the amount of money the Pentagon loses each year, just on random shit, could easily pay for better highways, schools, or the price of eggs.

2020-01-16 14:49:43 UTC  

No, we're broke because republicans lie and claim wealth trickles down, that all market efficient solutions come out of brilliant enterprise by the savvy entrepreneurs which the government should stay out of the way of. That's the dumb story we've been told for 40 years as the Koch's buy more senators

2020-01-16 14:50:51 UTC

2020-01-16 14:51:04 UTC  

Okay lets say you make average money

2020-01-16 14:51:10 UTC  

So around 80k a year

2020-01-16 14:51:25 UTC  

You pay 22%

2020-01-16 14:51:32 UTC  

Do you even realize how low that is

2020-01-16 14:52:02 UTC  

And what do you get in return?

2020-01-16 14:52:18 UTC  

Shitty roads

2020-01-16 14:52:20 UTC  

median income is 60k btw

2020-01-16 14:52:21 UTC  

No healthcare

2020-01-16 14:52:38 UTC  

Oh well same tax bracket

2020-01-16 14:53:17 UTC  

In my country we pay round 35%

2020-01-16 14:53:20 UTC  

If you make average money

2020-01-16 14:53:40 UTC  

trump actually raised taxes if you were in certain states by changing the SALT deduction

2020-01-16 14:54:03 UTC  

We had a "welcome to the resistance' moment in here last night

2020-01-16 14:54:45 UTC  

another big one is JOB LOCK, people stay at jobs they hate to keep the health benefits, especially for their kids

2020-01-16 14:55:15 UTC  

great scam by the Masters, As Wendell Potter points out in several places, including:

2020-01-16 14:57:00 UTC  


2020-01-16 14:57:19 UTC  

Death Note status

2020-01-16 14:58:25 UTC  


2020-01-16 14:59:04 UTC  


2020-01-16 14:59:52 UTC

2020-01-16 15:00:05 UTC  

Open up that impeachment inquiry again

2020-01-16 15:00:20 UTC  

At this rate trump will never get impeached to Unity’s standards

2020-01-16 15:02:45 UTC  

The impeachment process is not evident!

2020-01-16 15:03:50 UTC

2020-01-16 15:04:22 UTC  

oscar nominated

2020-01-16 15:06:09 UTC  

The Joker was right: This Town deserves a better class of criminal

2020-01-16 15:08:27 UTC  


2020-01-16 15:08:51 UTC  

I honestly thought we’d be done with this stupid line when the impeachment managers were assigned

2020-01-16 15:08:59 UTC  

But no, now we need an official date set

2020-01-16 15:09:12 UTC  

Because people aren’t officially indicted until they have a trial date

2020-01-16 15:09:23 UTC  

he will get removed and then it be something else

2020-01-16 15:09:46 UTC  

or maybe by then it will be they were anti-trump the whole time

2020-01-16 15:10:18 UTC  


2020-01-16 15:10:29 UTC  

lol we need that hannity clip again where he keeps pronouncing Lev's name wrong

2020-01-16 15:10:44 UTC  

trying to be so slick