Message from @Puerto Rican Nelson

Discord ID: 674631863377199144

2020-02-05 15:02:24 UTC  

He wanted to hurt Biden's popularity.

2020-02-05 15:02:28 UTC  

I know, @Yusa.

2020-02-05 15:02:33 UTC  

I answered that I would read it.

2020-02-05 15:02:36 UTC  

Also, how is it obvious?

2020-02-05 15:02:41 UTC  


2020-02-05 15:02:59 UTC  

These aren't really values

2020-02-05 15:03:01 UTC  

Timelines, paper trail, witnesses.

2020-02-05 15:03:03 UTC  

That he didn’t want to investigate Biden for corruption?

2020-02-05 15:03:09 UTC  

only the religious freedom one

2020-02-05 15:03:12 UTC  

Timelines, paper trail, witnesses.

2020-02-05 15:03:26 UTC  

The "opinion" one is already making me skeptical btw.

2020-02-05 15:03:53 UTC  

@Stresbal Values are what Trump finds valuable in his presidency. These are what he finds valuable

2020-02-05 15:04:16 UTC  

@Vlad Oops, that’s opinion? I’ll grab another one

2020-02-05 15:04:23 UTC  

I haven't read it.

2020-02-05 15:04:29 UTC  

But it says it, yes.

2020-02-05 15:04:37 UTC  

"getting rid of unnecessary regulations" isn't a value tho

2020-02-05 15:04:44 UTC

2020-02-05 15:04:58 UTC  

And most things he gets rid of aren't unnecessary

2020-02-05 15:05:14 UTC  

but he just wants to improve profit for some of his business friends

2020-02-05 15:06:10 UTC  

@Yusa these are policy positions, but I'll bite.
1) Trade deficits have gone up under Trump. He's waging a million trade wars with no real strategy and has diminished our cooperation with other world governments.
2) 'Religious Freedom' is double speak for bigotry. A shelter can now turn away homeless people if they are gay or trans. It's theocractic garbage and makes our country look more like Saudi Arabia.
3) Is the dumbest rule I've ever seen in my life. What if you have three cost effective regulations?

2020-02-05 15:06:18 UTC  


2020-02-05 15:07:03 UTC  

Not letting the US be ripped of fun unfair trade agreements? What has he done on trade than nafta didn’t do

2020-02-05 15:07:20 UTC  

You’re such a shill

2020-02-05 15:07:26 UTC  

US importers pay the tarrifs btw

2020-02-05 15:07:27 UTC  

not China

2020-02-05 15:08:16 UTC  

And farmers are suffering greatly under trump’s trade wars

2020-02-05 15:08:27 UTC  

Take an Econ class

2020-02-05 15:09:27 UTC  

Then we are subsidizing him buying their vote with the bailouts

2020-02-05 15:10:46 UTC  

@Puerto Rican Nelson
1. Your response to my claim is an opinion. Therefore I am not counting it as fact
2. The homeless shelters **have the freedom** to do that, because this is nation that values freedom
3. Have you ever researched regulations? I recently did and it’s crazy how over-regulating the government is. Also, I won a few professional debates on over-regulation, so you don’t want to debate that, but if you do, I’ll tear you apart with evidence

2020-02-05 15:10:52 UTC  

It's an **Import tarrif** it means it gets payed by the importers

2020-02-05 15:10:56 UTC  

which are US companies

2020-02-05 15:11:32 UTC  

and the costs turn into higher consumer prices

2020-02-05 15:13:56 UTC  

@Yusa1) You tell me, what's this admirations strategy with anything? We're slapping tarriffs at the slightest displeasure, betraying agreements, and are always contradicting our narrative.
Then our trade decifits went up.
2) Freedom to discriminate isn't freedom. It's state sanctioned segregation that is cruel and causes suffering.
3) There should be as much regulation as needs to be. This administration is just doing wish lists for goldman sachs and fossil fuel industry, and I will destroy you on that.

2020-02-05 15:14:39 UTC  

@Stresbal You are just looking at one of his small regulations. That’s the problem with the opinions you read. News organizations are very good at over-valuing and under valuing different things the president does

2020-02-05 15:14:39 UTC  

GG @Yusa, you just advanced to level 15!

2020-02-05 15:15:08 UTC  

@Yusa The China-US trade war isn't a "small" issue

2020-02-05 15:15:30 UTC  

Trump claims it as a victory

2020-02-05 15:15:50 UTC  

@Stresbal Yes, but it isn’t the plan to keep high import tariffs

2020-02-05 15:16:09 UTC  

But the whole tariffs aren't a solution