Message from @Stresbal

Discord ID: 674710521785745418

2020-02-05 17:17:13 UTC  

Sorry to hear though.

2020-02-05 17:17:26 UTC  

I didn’t know him too well

2020-02-05 17:17:30 UTC  

I feel way worse for my cousins tho

2020-02-05 17:17:45 UTC  

Kids always tend to get hit the hardest.

2020-02-05 17:20:22 UTC  

"Има нещо нездраво и съмнително в трезвеника. Възприемам хората, които не пушат, тяхна си работа, дори възприемам тези, които не се заглеждат след жените по улицата, макар че... Но както и да се мъча, не мога да възприема непиещия за нормален. Непиещият е маниак и точка по въпроса. Всеки, който се опита да облече трезвеността в благообразно обяснение, е гад, мръсник, безочлив продажник. Да не пиеш означава да живееш като идиот. Да си противоестестен и пластмасов като вегетарианец. Липсата на алкохол води до оглупяване и тежка шизофрения. Изкривяват се представите за света. Човек, който не пие, е обладан от нечисти сили, служи на дявола и извънземните, става гей или умира от гъбички и херпес!"

2020-02-05 17:20:34 UTC  

Good old Dosto on alcohol consumption.

2020-02-05 17:20:41 UTC  

Translate it if you wanna. lol

2020-02-05 17:20:52 UTC  

It's pretty amusing.

2020-02-05 17:36:07 UTC  

Lol nice

2020-02-05 17:36:25 UTC  


2020-02-05 19:53:14 UTC  
2020-02-05 19:57:20 UTC  

@Vlad Do you ever visit <#542037236053442561> ? <:kek:538084230408830987> <:kek:538084230408830987>

2020-02-05 20:08:35 UTC  

Why would I

2020-02-05 20:08:40 UTC  

when I can spam <#513098339961798676>?

2020-02-05 20:13:12 UTC  

Wise of you to stay away from General

2020-02-05 20:18:04 UTC  

I've been there a bunch of times

2020-02-05 20:18:19 UTC  

but there's just too much spam.

2020-02-05 20:18:26 UTC  

Hmmm I still haven't seen you once

2020-02-05 20:18:30 UTC  

Nothing stays for more than 1 minute.

2020-02-05 20:18:43 UTC  

But i'll be sure to screenshot the rare sighting of Vlad in general

2020-02-05 20:19:54 UTC

2020-02-05 20:19:58 UTC  

Got 3 pages there.

2020-02-05 20:20:05 UTC  

20 in <#542037236053442561>

2020-02-05 20:20:33 UTC  

I don't even remember being in <#542037236053442561> for THAT long.

2020-02-05 20:32:23 UTC  

Vlad, so ur an alien gay as the text said

2020-02-05 21:13:56 UTC  

Projection and the GOP

2020-02-05 21:13:59 UTC  

name a better duo.

2020-02-05 21:14:11 UTC  

Probably corruption and the GOP.

2020-02-05 21:14:12 UTC  


2020-02-05 21:14:15 UTC  

Played myself.

2020-02-05 21:16:45 UTC  


2020-02-05 21:30:44 UTC  

Trump will get acquitted, and the cheating for November can begin, starting 1 hour after the trial finishes!

2020-02-05 21:35:14 UTC

2020-02-05 21:36:57 UTC  

Bipartisan vote to convict, partisan vote to acquit

2020-02-05 21:37:22 UTC  

Trump was convicted by the evidence, the sentence will be rendered in November.

2020-02-05 21:37:32 UTC  

But actually I’m gonna do a Unity

2020-02-05 21:37:40 UTC  

A trial without witnesses and without evidence. 😆

2020-02-05 21:37:45 UTC  

Fair and proper.

2020-02-05 21:37:50 UTC  

Part of the process is complete, but he isn’t exonerated yet