Message from @quinnn

Discord ID: 592502588050505738

2019-06-23 18:09:46 UTC  

**incel**: aka "involuntarily [celibate]", a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. incels have little to no [self awareness]; even when they see other "ugly" men with girlfriends, they consider these men to be [tricksters] who have somehow [beat the system] and can get women despite being cursed with unattractiveness (in other words, theyre respectful to women and women are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon). they believe that women owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet coming up with ways to make women have sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Chads" (men who have sex), taking rights away from women, raping them, having sex with women's dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why women want nothing to do with them).
*I'm [pretty sure] Ryan is an incel. Yesterday he made a facebook post about how all women are [shallow] and exist to torture men by "denying" them sex, as if sex is something people "deserve", and not a [privilege] given by potential sexual partners that should be respected.*
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2019-06-23 18:10:03 UTC  

-df tldr

2019-06-23 18:10:04 UTC  

**TLDR**: [Too long]; Didn't [read]
*[The other] definitions of [tldr] made [me want] to say tldr*
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2019-06-23 18:29:55 UTC  

Literally just don't have sex if you can't afford to have a baby

2019-06-23 18:29:59 UTC  

Or use protection

2019-06-23 18:30:03 UTC  

Or use birth control

2019-06-23 18:30:06 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:30:12 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:30:20 UTC  

-df based

2019-06-23 18:30:21 UTC  

**Based**: Is when you dont [care] what people think
[its a way of life]
Doing what you [want]
how u want
wearing what u want
*the [LV] book bag looks [gay on] you
[idc] im based*
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2019-06-23 18:31:03 UTC  

I mean idc what people think of **me** but whatever you say Tech

2019-06-23 18:31:06 UTC  

With your uh...

2019-06-23 18:31:16 UTC  

1 word ad hominems

2019-06-23 18:34:15 UTC  


2019-06-23 18:34:43 UTC  

-df Ad Hominem

2019-06-23 18:34:45 UTC  

**Ad hominem**: An attack upon an opponent in order to discredit their [arguement] or opinion. [Ad] hominems are used by immature and/or [unintelligent] people because they are unable to counter their opponent using logic and intelligence.
*Person A: I think we should spend more money on [environmental protection].
Person B: You just think that because you’re a stupid [tree-hugger].

Person A: It is crucial that we facilitate adequate means to prevent degradation that would [jeopardize] the project.
Person B: You think that just because you use big words makes you sound smart? Shut up you loser; you don't know what you're talking about.*
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2019-06-23 18:35:39 UTC  

Just try to argue back please

2019-06-23 18:35:44 UTC  

I need a debate going on here

2019-06-23 22:19:52 UTC  


2019-06-23 23:53:24 UTC  

good evening

2019-06-23 23:53:45 UTC  

this girl i am talking to just told me to call her mommy


2019-06-24 00:44:16 UTC  

@quinnn call her grandfather

2019-06-24 00:56:13 UTC  

How come @Gerry and @quinnn don't get along?

2019-06-24 00:56:20 UTC  

you guys could surely become best pals

2019-06-24 00:56:33 UTC  

I say mean stuff about queers

2019-06-24 00:56:43 UTC  

jerry needs to be nice at some point

2019-06-24 00:56:48 UTC  


2019-06-24 00:56:58 UTC  


2019-06-24 00:57:03 UTC  

how come

2019-06-24 00:57:03 UTC  

I tried that

2019-06-24 00:57:19 UTC  

Then @rory got me mad

2019-06-24 00:57:29 UTC  

ever tried ignoring?

2019-06-24 00:57:35 UTC  


2019-06-24 00:57:46 UTC  

try it bro

2019-06-24 00:58:02 UTC  


2019-06-24 00:58:40 UTC  

But then again

2019-06-24 00:58:48 UTC  

Making fun of people is fun

2019-06-24 00:58:54 UTC  

are u mean irl

2019-06-24 00:59:03 UTC  

ngl that’s true

2019-06-24 00:59:06 UTC  

And it’s very easy to make fun of ror