Message from @Solid Snake Plissken
Discord ID: 609189556935458816
But they also change out there blood every 6 months
and then they drop dead at one point
True. But there music lives on
TBH I wish some band died sooner
Like Aerosmith
oh god
I know aerosmith is a band but it is also a jojo refrence
ugh jojo
The people who made that tv series must have been exposed to lots of radiation
Yeah they peaked in the 70s. Like KISS
@Katze Miaulitzer are you German I know fucking weird question that
ugh what was that band name
no no I am not
You name means cat in German
I know
I meant it to be like that
Kk anyways sorry
I grew up in a German-Jewish household, so I drifted to the german side
Tails shouldnt exist!
And I learned German
I regret making Sonic popular in the 90s and indirectly creating furrys craze
Kommst du aus Amerika?
Was state
Mein staat?
Es tut mir leid
Wo wohnst du?
Ich lernen deutsch für vier Jahre
Dass, sehe ich
Ich habe Deutsch gelernt bis drei Jahren
Ahh sehr Gut!
Aber mein Oma kam aus Deutschland
Hmm mein Familie kommt aus Österreich