Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 654907868578971658

2019-12-13 03:09:57 UTC  

@decentralist feminist pessimist#6957 Platform everyone

2019-12-13 03:14:10 UTC  

Hes not a racist. Also goes to show racism is a big joke since first of all it doesnt exist. Second of all the conception of there being races in the world was first brought to light by the jews in spain that left their religion to become christians.

2019-12-13 03:15:59 UTC  

have sex

2019-12-13 03:16:44 UTC  

Racism does exist though
it’s believing one race is superior to all other ones, and there are people here that believe that their race or another race is superior to all other ones and they might say “well some races are superior in this aspect” but in the end they will ultimately believe one race to be totally superior to all the others

2019-12-13 04:14:05 UTC  

Lol the irony is that @!GoldenKingship! is perhaps one of the most racist people here. He has some pretty strong views on the inferiority of blacks based on their IQ...and boy does he like to share them 😉

2019-12-13 04:23:52 UTC  

I don't think blacks are inferior. I think that according to the research people do have an obligation of showing the truth when we talk about why certain races act differently than others.

2019-12-13 04:26:13 UTC  

There is a genetics dating app being created that will finally hammer in the final nail to solving racial instability by matching people up with a compatible mate according to their genetics. So if a white man wants a date he will be matched with a white girl, makes sense right. Because in Africa such as Nigeria what you have going on is massive amounts of homosexuality and inbreeding within humanities black counterparts which is ultimately causing economic distress within the region.

2019-12-13 04:27:15 UTC  

have sex

2019-12-13 04:27:51 UTC  

Its time to restore the natural order of things like they used to be.

2019-12-13 04:28:50 UTC  

so war and poverty everywhere?

2019-12-13 04:29:18 UTC  

And my knowledge on genetic differences are proven to be true. I have actually evidence that debunks your philosophy of there being racism and that somehow actions are not based on genetics according to you guys.

2019-12-13 04:30:15 UTC  

Who you think got us here in the first place? It was western society run by white people that were in-fact the most diverse of all the societies in the world.

2019-12-13 04:30:54 UTC  

Slavery was sure not a good thing but don't think it was just black people, it was also white people Asians and other ethnicities involved.

2019-12-13 04:32:33 UTC  

The reasons blacks were predominantly enslaved from africa at the time was primarily a result of low literature and lack of civilized deveopment which of course led most african societies to not adapt successfully with the rest of the world hence were enslaved the same as asians were.

2019-12-13 04:33:38 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby Sleeping on facts i see!

2019-12-13 04:35:11 UTC

2019-12-13 04:38:00 UTC  

Jews and Asians—two groups that have experienced past hardships and discrimination—are the highest earners in America, followed by whites, Hispanics, and blacks.

2019-12-13 04:38:45 UTC  

So stop trying to emphasize that whites are somehow worse off when literally jews and asians are responsible for low income rates for blacks.

2019-12-13 04:49:43 UTC  

Hmm? I don't think I ever said whites are worse off lol. But also: you clearly put A LOT of weight into IQ, and you have emphasized time and time again how blacks are the lowest intelligence...

2019-12-13 04:50:03 UTC  

Seems pretty racist to me lol

2019-12-13 04:50:10 UTC  
2019-12-13 04:50:36 UTC  

Thats just ignorant of you to say cosby.

He can't help is ignorance, give the guy a break


2019-12-13 04:51:32 UTC  

Imagine feeling offended of your own skin color because somebody said some strait facts.

I mean, it's pretty ignorant of you to put "!" In front of ur name to be first on the server list Soo...

(*no reply*)

2019-12-13 04:53:31 UTC  


2019-12-13 04:54:01 UTC  

Are you being racist against my symbol?

I'm trying to explain how ignorant you are, don't just ignore me when I criticize you.

2019-12-13 04:54:16 UTC  

Buster, it's okay to say black people are, on average, dumber. Idk if you don't get it, or if you just act like you don't get it. But you believe that it has to do with their blackness and not the multitude of conditions that ACTUALLY effect intelligence. And you bring it up so often and with such vigor, that my friend - you really come off like a racist (and I mean the way it's typically used, not whatever technicality you may be clinging to).

2019-12-13 04:54:31 UTC  
2019-12-13 04:55:37 UTC  

And lol, by "it's okay to say", I mean here - while having intellectual (<:lol:583236542580129825> ) conversation. You seem like the type that would blurt out "black people are dumber than white people" somewhere in public, thinking it's just fine and dandy

2019-12-13 04:58:45 UTC  

I am really trying to see it the way you do - like, intelligence is a trait just like athleticism, right? Some part of it you're just "born" with? And it's okay to say black people run faster (lol "okay" enough) but you think it's unfair that you can't say they are dumber.

2019-12-13 04:59:24 UTC  

Intelligence is far more complex than how fast you can run and dunk though, and your attempt to simply it isn't really great.

2019-12-13 05:00:06 UTC  

I would never say that, and don't you say i ever did because i didn't. White people in Africa are being wiped out by blacks. meanwhile I'm hear explaining why they commit those egregious actions and all you do here is claim I'm a racist for simply exposing that. Your just mad because you probably look yourself in the mirror and see your skin is darker than all of a suddenly you come on discord thinking people like me are tring to push an anti black agenda which is just simply not true.

2019-12-13 05:00:53 UTC  

Lol well, there's a picture of me floating around here that makes part of what you said seem quite silly