Message from @fruit by the foot

Discord ID: 670483727893397559

2020-01-25 04:17:56 UTC  

I mean I suppose money could be beneficial but if they’re gonna try to make amends

2020-01-25 04:18:11 UTC  

I wouldn’t want money, id want an apology

2020-01-25 04:19:17 UTC  

how could a little money make amends for such a thing?

2020-01-25 04:19:34 UTC  

you know good and well it wouldn't make black people say, "Oh sweet, well all is forgiven."

2020-01-25 04:20:21 UTC  

like I said, take a look at some photos from the aftermath of battles in the Civil War. If that's not enough to make reparations, nothing is

2020-01-25 04:20:34 UTC  

I agree

2020-01-25 04:20:46 UTC  

Like money isn’t worth all the shit that was done to slaves

2020-01-25 04:20:47 UTC  

why would we give money to them?

2020-01-25 04:20:51 UTC  

It feels fake

2020-01-25 04:21:00 UTC  

Like how about a genuine apology

2020-01-25 04:21:04 UTC  

it's a carrot on a stick Dems use to keep blacks voting Democrat

2020-01-25 04:21:11 UTC  

why not give money to black people to repatriate?

2020-01-25 04:21:34 UTC  

because I’d rather get an apology than money

2020-01-25 04:21:58 UTC  

money isn’t worth all the shit that was done to black slaves

2020-01-25 04:22:02 UTC  

Can we send you back to the motherland

2020-01-25 04:22:08 UTC  

Seems fair enough

2020-01-25 04:22:15 UTC  

was born here but alright

2020-01-25 04:22:32 UTC  

Yes, but your people were forcefully brought to the Americas

2020-01-25 04:22:48 UTC  

I mean if they’d wanna go back sure

2020-01-25 04:22:53 UTC  

Therefore, for Indigenous sovereignty, you must return

2020-01-25 04:22:57 UTC  

But I don’t wanna go to Africa

2020-01-25 04:22:58 UTC  

Back to Africa

2020-01-25 04:23:09 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:23:20 UTC  

back to africa

2020-01-25 04:23:21 UTC  

Most blacks in America today weren’t born in Africa

2020-01-25 04:23:24 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:23:30 UTC  

Neither were White Americans

2020-01-25 04:23:33 UTC  

It’s not their country then

2020-01-25 04:23:34 UTC  

They should still go home

2020-01-25 04:23:35 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:23:40 UTC  

I might support some kind of "reparations" to assist in blacks moving back to Africa, but only because if you don't want to be here and you hate America, I'd rather you gtfo too

2020-01-25 04:23:58 UTC  

Not because I don't like black people

2020-01-25 04:24:06 UTC  

I get it

2020-01-25 04:24:26 UTC  

it’s not going home if it’s not their home tho

2020-01-25 04:24:33 UTC  

It is

2020-01-25 04:24:38 UTC  

African Americans

2020-01-25 04:24:39 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:24:43 UTC  

No, but if they hate America so much, then I'd rather they just fuck off tbh

2020-01-25 04:24:47 UTC  

just because they're recognized as a citizen by a government doesn't mean they're really American

2020-01-25 04:25:26 UTC  

There is literally nothing holding blacks back but their own skewed perceptions of reality

2020-01-25 04:25:32 UTC  

in modern America