Message from @fruit by the foot

Discord ID: 670482463470125072

2020-01-25 04:13:53 UTC  

i just wanted to know why you thought that

2020-01-25 04:14:05 UTC  

It wasn't me you were asking

2020-01-25 04:14:08 UTC  

but I let you know anyway

2020-01-25 04:14:13 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:14:27 UTC  

sitting around waiting for reparations is pathetic

2020-01-25 04:14:43 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:15:06 UTC  

also, whether or not you care or agree with me is completely irrelevant

2020-01-25 04:15:15 UTC  

I'm not sying what I say in hopes you'll agree

2020-01-25 04:15:22 UTC  

i literally could not care less

2020-01-25 04:15:24 UTC  

um alright

2020-01-25 04:15:30 UTC  

I don’t really care either

2020-01-25 04:15:35 UTC  

that’s why I just said ok

2020-01-25 04:15:48 UTC  

yet you keep responding to me as though you do somehow

2020-01-25 04:16:03 UTC  

“Ok” has so much care an effort put into it

2020-01-25 04:16:14 UTC  

are you black?

2020-01-25 04:16:19 UTC  

not everything has to be a debate

2020-01-25 04:16:22 UTC  


2020-01-25 04:16:28 UTC  

do you want reparations?

2020-01-25 04:17:10 UTC  

I mean... I really don’t think that money will do shit for us

2020-01-25 04:17:21 UTC  

I mean if they want to make amends fine

2020-01-25 04:17:56 UTC  

I mean I suppose money could be beneficial but if they’re gonna try to make amends

2020-01-25 04:18:11 UTC  

I wouldn’t want money, id want an apology

2020-01-25 04:19:17 UTC  

how could a little money make amends for such a thing?

2020-01-25 04:19:34 UTC  

you know good and well it wouldn't make black people say, "Oh sweet, well all is forgiven."

2020-01-25 04:20:21 UTC  

like I said, take a look at some photos from the aftermath of battles in the Civil War. If that's not enough to make reparations, nothing is

2020-01-25 04:20:34 UTC  

I agree

2020-01-25 04:20:46 UTC  

Like money isn’t worth all the shit that was done to slaves

2020-01-25 04:20:47 UTC  

why would we give money to them?

2020-01-25 04:20:51 UTC  

It feels fake

2020-01-25 04:21:00 UTC  

Like how about a genuine apology

2020-01-25 04:21:04 UTC  

it's a carrot on a stick Dems use to keep blacks voting Democrat

2020-01-25 04:21:11 UTC  

why not give money to black people to repatriate?

2020-01-25 04:21:34 UTC  

because I’d rather get an apology than money

2020-01-25 04:21:58 UTC  

money isn’t worth all the shit that was done to black slaves

2020-01-25 04:22:02 UTC  

Can we send you back to the motherland

2020-01-25 04:22:08 UTC  

Seems fair enough

2020-01-25 04:22:15 UTC  

was born here but alright

2020-01-25 04:22:32 UTC  

Yes, but your people were forcefully brought to the Americas

2020-01-25 04:22:48 UTC  

I mean if they’d wanna go back sure

2020-01-25 04:22:53 UTC  

Therefore, for Indigenous sovereignty, you must return

2020-01-25 04:22:57 UTC  

But I don’t wanna go to Africa