Message from @Dr. J. T. Goebbowls

Discord ID: 408328667278606339

2018-01-31 18:19:39 UTC  

Materialism is a weakness, but it doesn't hold a candle to the belief of equality.

2018-01-31 18:20:01 UTC  

If you're going to tag me in something just message it to me I can't scroll back 1488 comments

2018-01-31 18:20:13 UTC  

In fact, I would argue that whites are probably the LEAST materialistic of the races.

2018-01-31 18:20:40 UTC  

We are constantly believing in ideas that require faith.

2018-01-31 18:21:06 UTC  

Equality is no different from any of the religions that whites subscribe to.

2018-01-31 18:22:17 UTC  

Other races have religions, but not enough intelligence to make things to provide themselves with security or comforts.

2018-01-31 18:22:51 UTC  

Just like holocaustianity @Dr. J. T. Goebbowls

2018-01-31 18:24:27 UTC  

Yep. Holocaust requires faith. Whites who are more grounded in reality will ask questions. Whites who are more accepting of spirituality or intellectualism will believe the holocaust more readily.

2018-01-31 18:25:37 UTC  

I remember when Glenn Beck did a week long special on the Holocaust. I can thank him for not believing. He even got kicked off fox from cucking that hard

2018-01-31 18:26:06 UTC  

Whew. Week long? What a faggot.

2018-01-31 18:27:20 UTC  

It'd be great to hear him talk about killer masturbation machines on national television

2018-01-31 18:28:07 UTC  

Every time I get on this subject with my father he's always like" WHAT ABOUT THE SOAP AND LAMPSHADES, JEWS HAVE SWASTIKAS CUT INTO THEIR FOREHEADS TO THIS DAY"!!!?!

2018-01-31 18:28:44 UTC  

He already sounds like the type to immediately shutdown any line of questions.

2018-01-31 18:29:41 UTC  

"How many died?"

2018-01-31 18:29:52 UTC  

"How many camps were death camps?"

2018-01-31 18:30:09 UTC  

"How long did the killings last for?"

2018-01-31 18:30:36 UTC  

"How fast can ovens cremate bodies?"

2018-01-31 18:31:24 UTC  

The thing that really got me looking into the holocaust's veritability was when I realized all of the "death camps" sat on the soviet occupational side

2018-01-31 18:31:31 UTC  

not even ONE in the allied side

2018-01-31 18:31:37 UTC  

That was just so weird to me

2018-01-31 18:32:20 UTC  

Yeah. Jews on the allied side were just funding and advising, but the bolsheviks had total control.

2018-01-31 18:33:03 UTC  

The creamation argument didn't really get to me because I just thought "I don't know dick all about cremation you could tell me they're lying and then make up some bullshit number and I personally wouldn't be able to refute it"

2018-01-31 18:33:58 UTC  

I was like ok so you just showed me like 100 bodies not six million how did you know they were Jewish from the picture if it's just a religion to you?

2018-01-31 18:34:11 UTC  

The questions would be to use their own numbers against them, if you ever legitimately wanted to argue with some faggot

2018-01-31 18:34:16 UTC  

But camp placement, that I could understand. Allied attacks on food and supply trains I could understand and even witness through combat footage. These things led to other things and I eventually accepted the entire "Holocaust is a complete fabrication" argument

2018-01-31 18:35:11 UTC  

Yeah, it's a very easy historical fallacy to attack.

2018-01-31 18:35:35 UTC  

Holocaust ™ believers never want to debate in good faith so I just troll them

2018-01-31 18:36:12 UTC  

When trying to debate the holocaust I never just jump right in to numbers and figures because most people can't comprehend that.

2018-01-31 18:36:18 UTC  

I know I couldn't at first

2018-01-31 18:36:35 UTC  

Start with peripheral stuff such as geography, supply, disease etc

2018-01-31 18:36:47 UTC  

Which I would agree the numbers aren't for bad faith arguments even.

2018-01-31 18:36:53 UTC  

Here is my progression 6gorillian, 3 million, 300,000, 30,000+, never happened, it should have, it will

2018-01-31 18:37:18 UTC  

All in the course of like 2 yeara

2018-01-31 18:37:37 UTC  

> 6 gorillion > 200,000 > It didn't happen

2018-01-31 18:38:40 UTC  

Once I realized it was a lie and millions of ypipo lost their lives over it I was fucking pissed, thinking about all the guys that got their balls crushed before getting marched to the gallows

2018-01-31 18:38:51 UTC  

Very radicalizing moment

2018-01-31 18:39:06 UTC  

I was anti-jew before I was pro-nazi

2018-01-31 18:39:40 UTC  

I was like "The holocaust is a lie what the fuck... But the nazis are still bad guys r-right?"

2018-01-31 18:40:42 UTC  

At a young age I always felt it was strange that only these 6 million mattered in the world. I always had the fact that they were kicked out of Rome and egypt

2018-01-31 18:40:47 UTC  

Then I became pro-nazi out of convenience because nobody else attacked the jews and finally discovered a spiritual connetion to national socialism and now I'm hardline NatSoc

2018-01-31 18:41:27 UTC  

Yeah kinda same here