Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 554487197365960724

2019-03-11 01:35:43 UTC  


2019-03-11 01:35:48 UTC  

See you guys in 6 hours

2019-03-11 01:36:00 UTC  

Have a good one

2019-03-11 02:01:29 UTC  

Casper, where you from?

2019-03-11 02:02:12 UTC  

Bayous of Louisiana?

2019-03-11 02:02:29 UTC  

In the 60s

2019-03-11 02:03:45 UTC  

@BlackHawk White people eradicated Malaria in Panama, Australia, Indonesia, especially in Bali, and continue to eradicate Malaria within Africa. White people and white states lead the fight in trying to cure Ebola recently. It’s not fair to say that because white people unknowingly spread diseases into non-white lands to the point where you could call it proliferation. Would you hold any other empire up to the same standard? Ie the mongols. Even though Europeans were the ones who lead medical science to discover how to cure the diseases they bought? You didn’t debunk my point about foreign aid refugee relief. Its misleading to call America a product of white refugees, Because America was a product of white immigrants. If I have to explain to you what the difference is then you’re not as big brained than you let on. The first known occurrence of slavery was between Black tribes in central Africa. Da white man dindu nothing there. The first popularly recognised civilisation to adopt slavery was ancient Egypt, which you could argue was Souther European. However, today the only group of people that have formally eradicated slavery are Europeans in their corners of the world. Slavery is present still within South America, Africa, Arabia, and Asia.

2019-03-11 02:04:02 UTC  

@Kammlionn @APROUDSCOTSMAN I’m from Australia.

2019-03-11 02:05:25 UTC  

The things you are saying would be not considered racist if you weren't comparing the accomplishments of white people to other races

2019-03-11 02:05:50 UTC  

Yes, white people have made a lot of accomplishments, that does not make them *better*

2019-03-11 02:07:18 UTC  

My argument was that measurably speaking the white race as a group is more humane and altruistic than other groups. Therefore, if this group is demographically destined to die. How could you have a humane world?

2019-03-11 02:09:06 UTC  

Same can be said for the dinosaurs. Why don't you care about them?

2019-03-11 02:09:09 UTC  

But as a group they shared a similar culture and you are saying that that way of thinking that people in the west have is purely dependent on race

2019-03-11 02:09:22 UTC  

@Kammlionn That doesn’t make sense.

2019-03-11 02:09:30 UTC  

Yes it does

2019-03-11 02:09:52 UTC  

They demographically fuckin died. Is that ok?

2019-03-11 02:11:02 UTC  

It’s race and culture are inseparably intertwined regardless. You can’t call yourself a Chinese person without being genetically Chinese.

2019-03-11 02:11:34 UTC  

You’re missing a key premise here though. Were dinosaurs altruistic?

2019-03-11 02:12:56 UTC  

Who the fuck cares? A race dying off because of the environment is not inhumane

2019-03-11 02:13:41 UTC  


2019-03-11 02:14:09 UTC  

Scroll up and reread what I wrote you moron

2019-03-11 02:15:05 UTC  

‘’Inseparable intertwined ‘’ are you kidding me you think they had that way of thinking forever they had to come to that conclusion some how which would mean it’s not ingrained in there biology and besides that’s saying that people don’t have the capacity to change there cultures.

2019-03-11 02:15:37 UTC  

Why were you saying they would be demographically destroyed?

2019-03-11 02:17:11 UTC  

I’m admitting that your racial genotypes and phenotypes as well as your external environment; your culture have an indistinguishable role in how you think and act.

2019-03-11 02:17:44 UTC  

If you’re disagreeing with me there, you’re also disagree with Dr. Charles Darwin and James Watson.

2019-03-11 02:17:56 UTC  

@Kammlionn ugh😔

2019-03-11 02:18:26 UTC  

Yes, culture, not race

2019-03-11 02:18:57 UTC  

No, race and culture you moron.

2019-03-11 02:19:22 UTC  

What do you think a genotype and a phenotype are?

2019-03-11 02:20:08 UTC  

"Moron" its common sense that if I'm raised in a black area, I will share characteristics with those people. That is culture, not race

2019-03-11 02:21:33 UTC  

But to what extent is racial genotypes and phenotypes important I know that is some cases yea it can be a factor in how well you are gunna do but to what extent.

2019-03-11 02:22:48 UTC  

Not according to the Minnesota adoption study. White and black children preform relatively similar despite the environment of their adopted environment.

2019-03-11 02:25:09 UTC  

IQ is 50% hereditary according to the average physical anthropologist. IQ is a better predictor of long term success than education level.

2019-03-11 02:29:27 UTC  

Even so don’t you think in the way our system works meaning people that are more intelligent get to move up in life that there would be a selective breeding for more intelligent people seeing as those who aren’t as intelligent and be stuck in relative poverty would go to crime which would hinder the growth of that population and if so why do anything if it will work itself out.

2019-03-11 02:48:11 UTC  

Can you punctuate anything? It’s hard to read this word vomit. I don’t like the system. People aren’t rewarded by intelligence, they’re rewarded by diversity points. James Watson was striped of his academic credentials because the Jews didn’t like what he had to say about race. Whilst drag kids like Desmond is amazing, especially his mother are rewarded by media attention, fame and fortune. Nevertheless, it’s a myth that poverty creates crime. The slum of Dharavi is the poorest but most crime free part of the city of Moonbai. Additionally, when Asians Americans were living in a state of abject poverty they didn’t resort to crime, they worked hard. Something black community hasn’t been able to do every since they weren’t under the whip hand of the white man.

2019-03-11 03:00:16 UTC  

First you could have just stated that I’m not punctuating things that would be much more helpful. Maybe at the current way things work that might be true to some degree, but you can’t move up unless you are intelligent enough or you inherit money. It takes some semblance of intelligence to actually be apart of the middle class and as I said those who resort to crime will get punished and will hopefully stunt the population and yes i am aware that as the system currently stands it doesn’t do that which i think it should and those are the polices that i hope will be put in place and the things that i think will be put in place seeing as it’s beneficial to the state. Also I wanna apology’s I know this sentence is not structured correctly but that is something i have been working on.

2019-03-11 03:03:43 UTC  

I think I will go to bed my sentences are suffering and I’m just tired this is not a i give up i just can’t keep it up.

2019-03-11 03:05:19 UTC  

You aren’t making a coherent argument so I’m not going to respond.

2019-03-11 03:06:08 UTC  


2019-03-11 14:10:24 UTC  

I actually agree with anime avatar

2019-03-11 14:10:30 UTC  

On his last point