Message from @Techpriest

Discord ID: 572545521181392930

2019-04-29 21:57:14 UTC  

@Chemar millionaires don’t give a fuuuuuck about the poor. Very few do in my personal experience. They won’t give away their money. Would you? They amass more money than they can spend and keep grabbing more and more.

2019-04-29 21:57:36 UTC  


2019-04-29 21:58:38 UTC  

I believe you can find them screaming at each other in brexit

2019-04-29 22:04:17 UTC  

According to Carnegie

2019-04-29 22:04:26 UTC  

All rich people abide by the Gospel of Wealth

2019-04-29 22:04:49 UTC  

Dont give away your money to the government, they will inefficiently use it and mishandle it

2019-04-29 22:05:28 UTC  

Dont give your money to the poor they will spend it carelessly

2019-04-29 22:05:40 UTC  

Instead give your money to those who can help themselves

2019-04-29 22:05:56 UTC  

Rich people do give to the poor

2019-04-29 22:05:59 UTC  

But selectively ofc

2019-04-29 22:06:53 UTC  

Thats where most scholarships come from

2019-04-29 22:08:18 UTC  

Its also where library donations come from

2019-04-29 22:08:28 UTC  

Its also how universities are funded

2019-04-29 22:08:35 UTC  

If you were rich

2019-04-29 22:08:45 UTC  

Why would you give some bumbling drug addict $1000?

2019-04-29 22:09:08 UTC  

Would you rather give it to someone who is like you and making business connections

2019-04-29 22:09:15 UTC  

Or someone on the street?

2019-04-29 22:10:45 UTC  

After all lets propose we split up jeff bozo asset of 150 billion dollars into 300 million americans

2019-04-29 22:11:05 UTC  

Every American gets $5000

2019-04-29 22:11:10 UTC  

And thats just it

2019-04-29 22:11:29 UTC  

Its not like the economy grows by splitting one rich guy's money

2019-04-29 22:11:54 UTC  

Better to invest in a few various americans with $100k grants who can help make america great again

2019-04-29 22:18:57 UTC  

@Deleted User There's nothing wrong with getting more money. Rich people have improved the lives of everyone. If you want people out of poverty you need to make more jobs. Welfare programs haven't been very successful at all

2019-04-29 22:19:23 UTC  

Of course not

2019-04-29 22:19:28 UTC  

In the US, people are addicted to welfare

2019-04-29 22:19:34 UTC  

For instance when LBJ incentivized singe motherhood

2019-04-29 22:19:34 UTC  

intentionally or unintentionally

2019-04-29 22:19:43 UTC  

The UK Welfare system is still better than the US

2019-04-29 22:20:10 UTC  

I rather have people wean off welfare

2019-04-29 22:20:27 UTC  

than forced to lose their entire welfare benefits because they made $1 more in a year that they weren't supposed to touch

2019-04-29 22:20:38 UTC  

It kills the human potential and man's will to power

2019-04-29 22:22:18 UTC  

People aren't encouraged to get on their feet when they are on welfare. They know if they do they'll get less money.

2019-04-29 22:22:41 UTC  

Which is why you should get weaned off welfare

2019-04-29 22:22:47 UTC  

People don't naturally want to mooch off welfare

2019-04-29 22:22:49 UTC  

but they're forced to

2019-04-29 22:23:01 UTC  

If you get $2k/month from subsidized housing payments

2019-04-29 22:23:11 UTC  

but you lose that $2k/month because you made $40k/year instead of $39k/year

2019-04-29 22:23:39 UTC  

then it makes sense people are addicted to welfare

2019-04-29 22:28:07 UTC  

@Gerry Think of all our money as a Pie

2019-04-29 22:28:47 UTC  

Rich people are getting rich yes. but the pie it's self is getting bigger. Poor are getting the same portion but the pie it's self is bigger

2019-04-29 22:28:56 UTC  

The Slice is it's self