Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 592837739574198282

2019-06-24 21:58:12 UTC  

Ok not everyone can join the military

2019-06-24 21:58:47 UTC  

It is becoming harder to join the military as well as rentention rates and recruiting rates are down

2019-06-24 21:59:06 UTC  

@Deleted User If somebody was forced to get a student loan then yea, you might have an arguement. However that is a choice a person made. Besides, any loan that requires a 500 a month payment will be netting in much more than that for the person who took the loan out

2019-06-24 22:00:09 UTC  

I might have an arguement? Most people going to college today have to get some sort of loan in order to pay for an expense in college

2019-06-24 22:00:17 UTC  

The simple fact is, out of numerous viable life paths, a person choice to get a college degree at that time of their life, and not only that, but apparently choice a degree that has not allowed them to pay off their loan. 4 years and $120,000 into a drama degree will probably not give you a goo return

2019-06-24 22:00:39 UTC  

@Deleted User Yes, but nobody is forcing them to go to college at that point in their life

2019-06-24 22:00:54 UTC  

What's wrong with, say, working 5-6 years after high school, saving your money, and then getting a degree?

2019-06-24 22:01:25 UTC  

There are many viable paths, the specific one that a person has chosen, that leads to debt, is not the fault nor the responsibility of the taxpayer

2019-06-24 22:01:35 UTC  

Because most these days are insisting on you going to college or getting out of the house and finding your own job and place to live

2019-06-24 22:02:02 UTC  

Who is insisting? Society?

2019-06-24 22:02:07 UTC  

How about education not be a privilege?.

2019-06-24 22:02:09 UTC  

Yea society

2019-06-24 22:02:15 UTC  

Answer me this, is anybody being compelled, by force, to go to college?

2019-06-24 22:02:32 UTC  

Yea at least 5% of the population

2019-06-24 22:02:47 UTC  

Please cite to me where anybody is being *forced* to go to college

2019-06-24 22:03:07 UTC  

I am one of them..

2019-06-24 22:03:21 UTC  

So somebody *forced* you to go to college? How so, exactly?

2019-06-24 22:04:28 UTC  

My pare said Trade School is a joke you arent going to get anywhere. And that if you dont go to college you wont be able to live here. It was either that or be homeless

2019-06-24 22:05:10 UTC  

That's not "forced" to go to college, lol. As an adult, nothing was stopping you from getting a minimum wage job and living within your means

2019-06-24 22:05:17 UTC  

I tried enlisting but recruiters tend to care mostly about their promotion.

2019-06-24 22:05:31 UTC  

So just be homeless ?

2019-06-24 22:05:35 UTC  

Really good Idea

2019-06-24 22:05:52 UTC  

No money and try to figure out where I would live

2019-06-24 22:05:54 UTC  

No? What stopped you from finding a minimum wage job and getting your own place? lol

2019-06-24 22:06:05 UTC  

Wait you had *NO* money saved before you turned 18?

2019-06-24 22:06:07 UTC  


2019-06-24 22:06:22 UTC  

Literally 300 dollars to my name

2019-06-24 22:06:47 UTC  

Yea, I'm sorry to say, but that sounds like a fault of yourself, to only have a couple hundred dollars saved by the time you turn 18

2019-06-24 22:06:56 UTC  

Sure ok

2019-06-24 22:07:21 UTC  

I'm not claiming you have to be a millionaire but shit, even a couple grand is enough to get off on your own and find a job

2019-06-24 22:09:09 UTC  

Well sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for your own. My family didnt have that privilege. We barely made ends meet and so I had to help out then and there in the end only 300 dollars to my name.

2019-06-24 22:09:38 UTC  

A household with two parents couldn't make ends meet? With both working?

2019-06-24 22:10:18 UTC  

Mom was on and off with jobs. Dad was working 3 jobs basically

2019-06-24 22:10:21 UTC  

They apparently made enough combined that you didn't qualify for assistance, which means they made a decent amount, since the threshold is pretty high

2019-06-24 22:11:11 UTC  

Which is bullshit because I know how much they made and FAFSA needs to fix their shit because they dont know what poverty is

2019-06-24 22:11:45 UTC  

With, apparently 4-5 jobs worth of wages being put into this household (3 with your dad, 1 with you, and sometimes 1 with your mom) what was going on that couldn't make ends meet?

2019-06-24 22:13:39 UTC  

I dont feel comfortable sharing that info. All I am saying is that we tried hard to make it past the poverty line and ended up short.

2019-06-24 22:14:13 UTC  

Luckily my dad got a job with the goverment and my mom works with local government but I had to pay the price.

2019-06-24 22:15:07 UTC  

Anyway, my point being, that doesn't really add up. Nobody literally forced you to go into debt, there are other paths to life then the cookie cutter highschool > college degree > job. Trust me, I get shitty circumstances, I really do, but putting off the burden to somebody else isn't the solution.

2019-06-24 22:24:58 UTC  

Not everyone has the ability to. Its case by case.

2019-06-25 01:05:42 UTC  
