Message from @Sir Harndes

Discord ID: 701191665716691064

2020-04-18 00:43:33 UTC  


2020-04-18 00:47:15 UTC  

Your porpoise was to get in her pants

2020-04-18 04:12:22 UTC

2020-04-18 04:24:59 UTC  

An appreciable dad joke

2020-04-18 11:17:05 UTC  

Why do no girl like you?

2020-04-18 11:49:39 UTC  

@Sir Harndes have to beat it yourself which is the tough part. As others have said, don't give up. It's hard to find a purpose in life because the truth is we are some of the first humans to not have survival as a primary concern. We are given enough autonomy to wish for more self fulfillment but many of us run out of determination at the point of survival. But that's okay.

2020-04-18 11:49:53 UTC  

Try and figure out what your values are if you can at all.

2020-04-18 11:50:07 UTC  

If you're here you probably really care about liberty.

2020-04-18 11:50:58 UTC  

Don't make it your personality because there's more to someone than that but it can be good to have ideals to orient yourself towards.

2020-04-18 11:53:35 UTC  

And as always exercise, good mateship (you will realise who the good friends are at some point), make sure you have some people. Getting in the way of all of these things is a massive psychological barrier because even though you know it's good for you the lazy part of you that likes stability will push against it.

2020-04-18 12:39:00 UTC  

Holy shit you have a way with words and sciencey shit

2020-04-18 20:57:24 UTC  

The point is

2020-04-18 20:57:32 UTC  

Im stuck in this mud

2020-04-18 20:57:57 UTC  

This way of thinking ia ruining me

2020-04-18 20:58:07 UTC  

"So change it"

2020-04-18 20:58:26 UTC  

Yeah, but I dont know why it isn't true

2020-04-18 20:58:40 UTC  

Im a very pessimistic

2020-04-18 20:59:27 UTC  

Not for what happened to me, but for what happens to everyone in this world. Empathy can turn into a self-harming weapon

2020-04-18 21:51:53 UTC  

You can be empathetic while being realistic. You can be empathetic while thinking what will this mean for me.

2020-04-18 22:05:13 UTC  

im being realistic

2020-04-18 22:05:20 UTC  

we live in a world of shit

2020-04-18 22:05:48 UTC  

sure, there are things that Im greatful of, like my family, friends and other stuff

2020-04-18 22:06:31 UTC  

but looking at the other side, there are way more bad stuff going on

2020-04-19 00:43:38 UTC  

It's really easy to look at the world we have versus the world our parents had, the fruits that their labors and voting habits have born and go full-on doomer. But every great society in history is full of corrections, some societies come out fine on the other side of those corrections and some crumble.

2020-04-19 00:44:37 UTC  

Looking at the positives food has never been this inexpensive or readily available. Even when looking at fresh/good food.

I hate women.

A lot

Every time a woman opens her mouth, I already feel my own braincells committing suicide.....

Why don't women shut the god damn fuck up

This is why I don't date

This is why I have no female friends

This is why I avoid even female family members

Family members asking why I'm not married yet or why don't i have kids yet

I swear to all fuck man

I can't stand them. At all.

Even when I watch porn, I mute that shit

It gets so god damn annoying

Literally, yesterday some stupid ass bitch was flirting with me to get me to sigh some bullshit petition

I don't even care what the petition was or whether I would support it. She was annoying as fuck and wouldn't leave me alone

I wanted to put duct tape over her mouth, tie her the fuck up, and just walk away

Shit man. Even if I wasn't ugly. Hell. Even more so, I bet if I was good looking shit would be so much worse.