Message from @INNYGMATYK

Discord ID: 698461461248344134

2020-04-11 08:44:51 UTC  

Something something FBI statistics.

2020-04-11 08:45:14 UTC  

Something something else, it used to be ( and still is, to an extent ) Drunk Crab

2020-04-11 08:49:04 UTC  

Idk man, some of tose less lethats suck ass. I was inna telling deadbeat bout being tased n OCd. The less lethals dont always work, but there is a use of force continuum that is established and needs to be followed. However I do think most cops are violent inclined, and should work on desclation tactics as a primary tool. It keeps literaly everyone safer

2020-04-11 08:52:38 UTC  

Agreed. But when brass comes to tacks. . . or something

2020-04-11 08:55:59 UTC  

Idk, literally every situation is different. I however passed lethal force training with 100%. The other interns, not so much. I hit all targets when it was justified to do so, and refreined from shooting when it wasnt needed. I also employed desclation to a reasonable degree of success.
Then again, I've also been the aggressor in active shooter secenarios, some of which I forced the cops to shoot me as part of the training

All in all, very fun days

2020-04-11 08:58:36 UTC  

Faaaaair enough

2020-04-11 09:02:22 UTC  

This is my bread and butter my dude. Like got my degree in it and live it every day. I gotta follow the same rules of engagement the police do on the job while armed. Took the same tests n everything

2020-04-11 09:03:55 UTC  

I know - I know - my ""faaaair enough"" is an "yeah you're clearly more intimately versed with le subject"

2020-04-11 09:04:33 UTC  

I know dude, I also just lile talking aboutnthe subject lmao

2020-04-11 09:04:35 UTC  

I'm mostly just drunk bullshitting - mostly just wish police thought a bit more

but there's an argument for ""a second spent thinking is a second caught dead""

2020-04-11 09:04:48 UTC  

"""Faaaaaair enough""" lmao

2020-04-11 09:06:06 UTC  

I get you dude. Thays why I criticize and congratulate where needed. I dont pull punches when it comes to use of force, because I operate at a high standard, so too should sworn law enforcement

2020-04-11 09:07:05 UTC  


2020-04-11 09:07:34 UTC  

But, yknow, there's going to be ( * a lot of* ) someone who sees it as ""just a job""

2020-04-11 09:08:27 UTC  

It might be just a job, but one that exists to serve and protect the people. At least it used to. I wish it would go back to that

2020-04-11 09:09:10 UTC  

Man. "" *I wish* "" rn tbh

2020-04-11 09:12:19 UTC  

I mean Im doing what small part I can to make it go that way. So does everyone when we call each excessive use of force, wrongful death, bullshit law, or abuse of power

2020-04-11 09:13:30 UTC  

True. Any effort is effort.

. . . but fuck me is it tough trying to predict where police / people are gonna be post Plague 2020

2020-04-11 09:14:10 UTC  

Nowhere good. But the people need to change before the police can

2020-04-11 09:16:06 UTC  

You're not wrong there

2020-04-11 09:16:29 UTC  

A change in demographics outta kickstart that tbh 👀

2020-04-11 09:18:22 UTC  

So will people finally realizing they have a boot on their necks

2020-04-11 09:18:59 UTC  


2020-04-11 09:19:26 UTC  

Guys read this. I've never been emotionally attached to a tank but...

2020-04-11 09:19:47 UTC  

> implying T-Rule34
> instagram

2020-04-11 09:19:52 UTC  

Wrong fucking link

2020-04-11 09:20:00 UTC  

thassano from me dawg

2020-04-11 09:20:13 UTC  

No it's not a rule 34 thing

2020-04-11 09:20:18 UTC  

It's actually hella sad

2020-04-11 13:51:56 UTC  

morning gentlemen

2020-04-11 14:14:43 UTC  

Morning gents

2020-04-11 14:42:19 UTC  

@Deadbeat Radio morning m8

2020-04-11 14:42:29 UTC  

i literally can't stop watching coffin dance memes

2020-04-11 14:58:17 UTC  

@Bard coffin dance?

2020-04-11 14:58:47 UTC  

*creepy scary skeletons dancing in the background*

2020-04-11 15:22:30 UTC  

Is it time yet

2020-04-11 15:50:10 UTC  

^How the homies deserve to have a funeral

2020-04-11 16:00:15 UTC  

oh gee oh boy I can't wait to be able to message my own fucking parents on messenger again when my 30 DAY ZUCK IS GONE ON MONDAY

2020-04-11 16:00:21 UTC  

Shit is fucking gay