Message from @Deadbeat Radio

Discord ID: 698766689449279498

Oh..... Okay.....

2020-04-12 05:16:33 UTC  

_fapping sounds_


2020-04-12 05:17:07 UTC

2020-04-12 05:17:40 UTC  

Its always for science

2020-04-12 05:18:26 UTC  

I'm not sure which is more dangerous or productive: drunk science or Gøøn science?

2020-04-12 05:19:13 UTC  

@thedarkness05 yah just answered your own question, drunk science= danger, Goon science= productive.


2020-04-12 05:19:36 UTC  

Idk, I've done some pretty wild drunk science

2020-04-12 05:22:00 UTC  

Lol smoke bombs are part of those two equations when mixed @thedarkness05

2020-04-12 05:22:24 UTC

2020-04-12 05:22:38 UTC  

"Smoke" bombs lmao

2020-04-12 05:23:17 UTC  

@thedarkness05 lol, sweet memories. I'm just glad mcguyver was cool with me basically burning 20 bucks in front of him.

2020-04-12 05:23:33 UTC  

It ve like that

2020-04-12 05:23:42 UTC  

Not much you can do except try again

2020-04-12 05:24:36 UTC  

Mean while Ima roumd out my kit and start work on the first squadron of the AfGøønistan air force

2020-04-12 05:25:14 UTC  

Actually a few gyros is probably more airforce than most countries tbh

2020-04-12 05:27:14 UTC  

@thedarkness05 lol true some countries dont even hav an airforce.

2020-04-12 05:28:04 UTC  

Or if they do its like a cessna

2020-04-12 05:29:21 UTC  

@thedarkness05 lol a Cessna that just drops flachettes out of it.

2020-04-12 05:29:48 UTC  

I mean it could be like that soviet bomber that had like a hundred ppshs in it

2020-04-12 05:30:32 UTC  

But surprisingly I did see a pic of a combat cessna with full armament

Bushplanes bro

Btw. Just because i havr a huge bush and Haven't shaved down there don't mean you can mock me for it

It's not just a jungle, it's more like wetlands but with LOTS of green

Swamp Ass


Hell there's even Alligators and Gar fish doen there

2020-04-12 06:00:56 UTC  

I mean I'd take a machete to it bro

@thedarkness05 Tried it. I was attacked by something hiding in there. It growled and roared...m it was angry

2020-04-12 06:05:53 UTC  

But hows you gon be a wizard if you dont take care of your staff?

@thedarkness05 I shampoo and conditioner the fuck outta it... Funny thing is I use the expensive stuff on it, but on my head is the cheap dollar store shit

2020-04-12 06:07:54 UTC  

Hmmmm ok

@thedarkness05 onna regular day, I'd shower twice. Once inna morning, and one as soon as I'd get home from work

Tbh I am a bit of a clean freak when it comes to hygiene, and definitely OCD on how I organize stuff around the trailer

2020-04-12 06:38:08 UTC  

**Joyful Easter fam, regardless if you celebrate or not, love one another regardless. Love you kings**

2020-04-12 06:49:48 UTC  

Well said.

Happy Easter to all , spend the day celebrating with friemds and family if you can

2020-04-12 07:46:13 UTC  


2020-04-12 07:50:41 UTC  

I posted that already my guy

2020-04-12 07:59:26 UTC  

@Trash Squid squid you awake?