Message from @P I L L A R M A N

Discord ID: 700711208109473802

2020-04-17 14:11:26 UTC  

but karen with her youtube playlist always tries to argue

2020-04-17 14:12:04 UTC  

No I'm starting to see lolberts or republican sub 30 IQ faggots go about either that or some random conspiracy shit

2020-04-17 14:12:07 UTC  


2020-04-17 14:12:13 UTC  

@Trash Squid someone I work with thinks its 5G. She knows me as the conspiracy guy too, and was like "cant beleive this was all caused by 5G, these idiots dont knownyhe truth"

2020-04-17 14:12:23 UTC  

But it fast doe 😳😳😳

2020-04-17 14:12:29 UTC  

like bitch i know enough about signals to know which one to bounce of the ocean into a cloud

2020-04-17 14:12:37 UTC  

don't agrue with me about signals

2020-04-17 14:12:56 UTC  


2020-04-17 14:13:49 UTC  

People need to understand that just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't mean that it's the responsible thing to do

2020-04-17 14:14:00 UTC  


2020-04-17 14:14:01 UTC  

I know retards like to larp as these independent frontiersmen

2020-04-17 14:14:08 UTC  

But we all do have an inherent social responsibility here

2020-04-17 14:14:11 UTC  

Meanwhile in the UK, Europoors are firebombing 5G towers

2020-04-17 14:14:21 UTC  

And gathering in crowds to own the libs is fucking autistic

2020-04-17 14:14:26 UTC  

low IQ having ass shit

2020-04-17 14:14:44 UTC  

Yes. I dont think mandatory lock down was the way to go. Heavy suggestion and safe practices would've been fine

2020-04-17 14:14:57 UTC  

i like to gather in crowds just to flex my immune system on the weak

2020-04-17 14:15:19 UTC  

The issue is that the second any authority tells someone to do X you have absolute geniuses who decide to do the opposite because they're children

2020-04-17 14:15:32 UTC  

U can't tell me wut 2 do dis is amerkia

2020-04-17 14:15:41 UTC  

Like no retard fucking listen

2020-04-17 14:16:10 UTC  

At the same time the governments making arbitrary rules

2020-04-17 14:16:14 UTC  

Is also retarded

2020-04-17 14:16:52 UTC  

My state has a metric fuckton of restrictions but they all make sense logically and came in tiers with the governor personally explaining everything

2020-04-17 14:17:00 UTC  

And nobody is raising a stink

2020-04-17 14:17:25 UTC  

Michigan's governor slapped a billion random things with no reason or thread as to why

2020-04-17 14:17:32 UTC  

Didn't explain any of it

2020-04-17 14:17:47 UTC  

And the useful idiots in the state go and gather in crowds to protest

2020-04-17 14:18:11 UTC  

Shit's a two way street

2020-04-17 14:19:34 UTC  

Some random lady with a "I'm a pet groomer I'm essential" sign went there

2020-04-17 14:19:37 UTC  

Like no bitch shut up

2020-04-17 14:20:07 UTC  

Its is a balancing act. However I still lean more on the liberty side of things. I dont go out unnessicarilly and wear ppe when I do. Other people should make their own decisions

2020-04-17 14:20:14 UTC  

idk i don't think the state should have any control over people working for a living

2020-04-17 14:20:22 UTC  

Whats up new fed

2020-04-17 14:20:22 UTC  

Also what the fuck was the point of dixiefags and trumpfags showing up there

2020-04-17 14:20:29 UTC  


2020-04-17 14:20:34 UTC  

no idea

2020-04-17 14:20:50 UTC  

The longer sub room temperature IQ brainlets realize optics literally matter more than anything

2020-04-17 14:20:57 UTC  

The longer they'll be "oppressed"

2020-04-17 14:21:12 UTC  

optics is the game

2020-04-17 14:21:17 UTC  

Doing it to "triggur da libz" is a 5 year old's game

2020-04-17 14:21:26 UTC  

Aka 85% of anyone right of center