Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 502827820209405962
I'm not saying it shouldn't be okey to be spiritual or anything, but to make it a part of the world view rather than just an esoteric scientific endevour I find dubious.
But I still have some questions about meditation
What does it do? Does it allow you to access something? Is it just relaxing? Can you contact aliens or some stuff like that?
Basically, should I meditate and why?
Of course it's part of the worldview, nothing is outside the scope of the worldview.
Meditation is a sort of tool towards the gods.
Yeah but gods shouldn't be a part of the world view because they are not based on fact or truth as far as we know @cloraniax
Fascism adopts any knowledge we can obtain that is true, and if it is proven false it will adapt because it is the world view of systems and practical reality above all else
fact is one thing, principle is another
fascism is based on principles
And the principles are based in natural laws of which we have a Great deal of knowledge
That is as far as I understand What makes fascism eternal and in the long run invincible.
Principles are man made, and for man to Follow. You could build anything on principles. What matters is the basis for them. Marxism was thought up from behind a desk with theory and thus false man made principles of equality as its founding ideal. Fascism was more so discovered than invented, in the sense that the principles of fascism; the laws of nature, have always been at work in every organism and any society. Few societies gave been aware of the laws, or adjusted to their inevitabilities, but THAT is what fascism is in its purest form. Other ideas from fascist thinkers are not from nature a part of the fascist reality, but add-ons that are compatible in a sense.
The methaphysical and spiritual parts of evolas writings shouldn't be lumped into the definition of fascism by default is what I'm saying. @cloraniax
Science, fuck yeah! T. Northbabe
@Dead Acc fucku kb
ban me from rapelash
they gonna ban me for having an anime pfp
@T-san no im mod
⛔ "Jeff Simmons" does not have any name changes recorded!
Meditation is great for self discipline as well