Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 463476045237059585
Muh race hurr durr
Ethno nationalists are idiots.
And are tarnishing Trump and the MAGA movement.
He dismissed them, and David Duke and all that bullshit. So don't come on this server and try to make us all look bad with this crap. The South Africa farmer thing is one thing...but that other shit has to GO.
What any of them do personally is their business.
IDK who they date. Has zero effect on me.
shame that lauren wasnt killed in south africa
one of the worst far right propagandists
Is this server full of libtards now?
Some weak ass propagandists in here
Also, i'm all for political humor. So the idea that any of this has an emotional effect on me is nil.
This is Mexico taking responsibility for it's people and migrants
Which is half the problem
trump is such a winner that he had to buy a wife from eastern europe
If only I had the ability to ban...
did donald trump make a deal with the jews?
shut up, idiot.
This is bigger than you.
Israel is the only Democracy left in that region. It needs to stay strong.
Donald did do a deal with the Jews because of his kike son in law but it's fine
Israel is a required ally against the Muslims
Everyone should forget religions.
C'mon it's 2018, we are not cavemans anymore.
Politiscales is a biased leftist dumpster fire. Their results used to be more fair.
@XxLivelyJessaxX You know what other countries don't have term limits?
Communist countries
#walkaway....just saying. Don't be a loser.