Message from @nickk

Discord ID: 479729852962963457

2018-08-15 18:54:39 UTC  

I acknowledge that. Only the media won't and somehow people believe everything they see on TV because they are too lazy to get up and do their own research so they believe the lies and empty promises that CNN and MSNBC shoves down their throats, then they riot on the streets because their hero who never held any job in his life and was taken care of by a rich Russian businessman (Mr. Marx) says that the best idea is to protest and if the protest doesn't work you riot.

2018-08-15 18:55:19 UTC  

So obviously these liberal fools decide it's a good idea to riot in the streets and draw police attention, and when that happens instead of admitting fault, they blame the police for doing their jobs

2018-08-15 18:57:02 UTC  

Sure. I acknowled that too, but how do you think that will be documented in history?

2018-08-15 18:58:26 UTC  

He shoud focus on destroying his enemies so they never get up. Otherwise everithing his done will become into dust

2018-08-15 18:59:01 UTC  

And they already winning and nobody is moving

2018-08-15 18:59:04 UTC  

Sadly I think that it will be documented as "liberal heroes fighting against the conservative nazi racists" to "promote equality" when really every single democratic candidate, especially in other countries, takes advantage of the system to hold onto more wealth than ever before and to cling onto power as long as possible to hold onto even more money, then they talk about how the wealth isn't being distributed evenly.

2018-08-15 18:59:58 UTC  

Kind of like Hollywood actors who have a combined net worth of over a billion dollars, who complain on live television about things they don't understand.

2018-08-15 19:01:06 UTC  

Yeah! Its about that people that he should be pointing his cannons

2018-08-15 19:02:04 UTC  

They'll make all those great things our president done apperars do be evil and selfish

2018-08-15 19:02:46 UTC  

If he points his cannons the media will just make it worse and more people will protest. That's why he uses terrifs and economic punishments rather than violence because liberals never understand anything economic or frankly anything having to do with sums of money that aren't their own

2018-08-15 19:03:03 UTC  

And even their own money they dont hold onto long enough to invest

2018-08-15 19:04:14 UTC  

And economic punishments like trade terrifs work great to put pressure on other countries and cripple their economies slightly more. while also making them realize how much they depend on the USA for products.

2018-08-15 19:09:50 UTC  

You damn right but I don't mean violence I mean destroying every foreign influence like George Soros and all Bildebergh group

2018-08-15 19:10:49 UTC  

I'm from Brasil and I know what happens when you siply ignores your enenyes

2018-08-15 19:11:23 UTC  

We have a growing USSR here

2018-08-15 19:12:14 UTC  

With Hugo Chávez, Maduro, that motherfucking indian shit and Luiz Inácio

2018-08-15 19:13:12 UTC  

They don't take it by the force like the sovietics but they take it ideologically

2018-08-15 21:38:15 UTC  

God I can't wait to vote for Trump in 2020

2018-08-16 15:52:02 UTC  

Lol, why do people try to justify for their criticism for Trump what he's said behind closed doors? Grab her by the pussy??? Really? Are we gonna act like we're all saints and haven't said some stupid shit behind doors? This calls for lack of self criticism and not like he's caused ANY harm with it (it was recorded without his knowledge). He doesn't pay taxes? Well now that's bollocks, his tax return resume came out. Seperating kids from their parents for no reason? That was happening in Obama regime, it's a law prior to when he got elected - illegal immigrant's children gets seperated from them. Don't they call any responsibility for breaking a law? He doesn't support white supremacy at all. I hope this is a troll.

2018-08-16 17:48:03 UTC  

I heard that the people claiming to be a bunch of those "tragically separated kids" were child traffickers

2018-08-16 19:15:09 UTC  

There are, what, a few thousand kids separated from their border hopper parents? There's hundreds of thousands of kids with parents in the U.S. military, navy, etc. not knowing if they'll ever see each other again

2018-08-16 20:41:23 UTC  

This is probably the most active I've seen this server been

2018-08-18 15:40:53 UTC  

how to defeat fake news

2018-08-19 22:50:49 UTC  

@powerlifter Because it shows how disgusting his personality is. Are we forgetting the time where he wanted ALL Muslims banned from entering the country LEGAL OR NOT. He called Mexico a shithole. I only support trump in removing illegal aliens but it isn’t right to call a whole country a “shithole.” There have also been many sexual assault allegations on him. I assume you’re a born citizen. My parents are LEGAL immigrants, my dad is currently on H1B visa. My mom is on H4 EAD and until recently she was allowed to legally work in the USA. But trump changed that, he made it so dependents and spouses of H1B visa holders (aka my mom) to not be able to legally work here. Despite spending so much money and paperwork to come into this country legally and now my mom can’t work. He hates immigrants..period. I am happy to be a born citizen but it saddens me to see what my mom goes through even she is a LEGAL immigrant because of trump.

2018-08-19 22:52:14 UTC  

This is just my opinion, because trump directly affected MY FAMILY. So don’t be calling me a “triggered liberal. When I am stating facts,

2018-08-20 01:51:46 UTC  

His personality cannot be drawn from these statements as he has done grateful things in the past. He has employed many immigrants, legally, females (not a sexist), afro-americans, contributed to charities, even let a homeless woman stay at his Trump Tower for free (which he didn't even speak about) so I could argue that the many positives things he's done doesn't really display him as a horrible monster media potrays him to be (and media call-outs started happening in his presidency. I could argue how he's improved living standards (and keeps doing it) for many Americans but that's another topic. To be fair with you, I also dislike the fact how hard it is to get entrepreneurship visa in USA, he's trying to make American economy boost but this is at the cost of others (e.g. also the tarriffs, that I'm also againts - but he's trying to negotiate better deals from it as til now they weren't getting the better share.. It's a double-edged sword but it has created like 11k American jobs in 6 months)) so I'm with you on this one. I'm not a born citizen, I live elsewhere but when he says "shithole" countries - here's how I see it : he could have been more diplomatic and used different word but some countries truly are ... At the bottom and accepting just anyone from there, is not the greatest idea as we both can agree on (illegal). Shit-hole countries get ruined at the expense of socialist politicians that have driven country to the ground and lead to higher crime rates, it's truly hard to be nationalistic about it or proud of it in any way .. and I can speak for myself aswell. I'm not calling you triggered liberal, I applaud you for reasonable argumentation as to what you don't support about policies - but the hypocrisy from media is what I highly disagree with, especially when that same media positively covered politicians who's words were better formulated and argued more diplomaticly - but their actions weren't as good

2018-08-21 02:51:43 UTC  

Thank you for the argument. I still do not support trump but your paragraph has enlightened me a bit more. Thank you for using facts to support your argument.

2018-08-22 00:36:29 UTC  

Wow sjw

2018-08-22 19:58:09 UTC  

@fruial Same I could say about your statement, thanks and I hope things work out for you and your family

2018-08-22 22:02:09 UTC  

Trump—and by extension, much of the GOP—is against *legal* immigration. They call it "chain migration", which is when family members sponsor other family members in other countries to come over. That is how most legal immigration occurs.

2018-08-22 22:02:41 UTC  

It is, and always has been, stemmed in deep racism that has plagued the GOP for a long time.

2018-08-22 22:04:14 UTC  

@powerlifter Also, those tariffs created ten thousand jobs for steel workers, that's true. But there's one overlooked fact: Hundreds of thousands of jobs in industries reliant on cheap raw steel and aluminum will be lost.

2018-08-22 22:43:12 UTC  

@Otto the truth hurts.

2018-08-22 23:55:17 UTC  

It is not "deep racism" at all- First of, if it was truly racism, this would only apply to the "race" that you're applying restrictions againts - I'd like you to point out to bill that is racially motivated for that. Second of all - the actual racists were actually democrats - Democratic leaders would attribute Ku Klux Klan violence to poorer southern whites, the organization’s membership crossed class lines, from small farmers and laborers to planters, lawyers, merchants, physicians and ministers... Third of all, If every American were to sponsor every relative of his, immigration rate would exponentially incline and you can already see how this would effect the economy, security of a country that should put it's citizens first. It is not racially motivated as they can still apply for VISA and come legally, if it was truly racially motivated - the people of certain color wouldbe declined to even sign up for one. He holds such stance due to examples of terrorists/bombers, entering the country via the family sponsored visa. He is not againts legal immigration, he showed his dissatisfaction towards current immigration policies, example the one involving thousands immigration judges. He is not a racist, black unemployement rate rising and black approval for president Trump continues to rise so if anything it's the media that uses accusations such as "racism"... Now as for Trump's proposal, it would reward points based on high-paying job offers, past achievements, English-language ability and education. All of that would be taken into account when green card applications are considered. The higher the score, the more likely an immigrant would be admitted to the United States... Is race included anywhere here?

2018-08-23 00:10:31 UTC  

Now, when you go in and try and claim something is "racist" you can't just throw the term like most SJW's do,when they don't agree with something,you should have proof of said racism.

2018-08-23 00:13:30 UTC  

He's not racist, altho burden of proof is not on me to proof that but why is it, that he started getting accused of racism WHEN he run for presidency? Let's not forget this is the man that won "Diversity and tolerance" award, alongside with Rosa Parks, Ali

2018-08-23 00:13:40 UTC  


2018-08-23 01:31:29 UTC  

That was over 30 years ago, what the Democratic Party was like a century ago is irrelevant, and Trump called for 4 innocent black men and a Hispanic man to be executed and has yet to apologize.

2018-08-23 01:32:34 UTC  

Also people *did* say he was racist before he ran for President.