Message from @P.D. York
Discord ID: 681687213028802582
Look at wut u guys made trump do
Looks like I’ll have to go to a trump rally and lay my pipe
probably because Qadahffi had been in power for 40 years and should have died decades before
He was killed by Libyans, not by Obama
Whats with the recent hit pieces on her?
She seems pretty based to me
She is
She can be thotty at times, but I would rather stand with a thot than a servicemember who betrays the Constitution.
The only thing worse than a Communist is someone who takes the oath and betrays it.
@P.D. York How can she be as you say "thotty at times"?
I won’t call her based until someone proves to me that her face isn’t photoshopped in that photo
Wouldnt it be on you to prove it is?
you’re right..
see that weird cut off point on the hair?
also, those eyes looking reptilian to me. it’s either she’s using excessive makeup or there was photoshop
Im not seeing anything off tbh
Compression or something maybe?
Bennet is annoying as fuck
What is annoying to you about her?
I used to follow her on FB. Some of the pics she posted were rather revealing like a typical e-thot.
And yes she can be annoying, but she does more to publicly stand up for the Constitution than... well most of us here.