Message from @Dr. Λᵐᵉʳᶤᶜᵃ
Discord ID: 668975702640558100
Man you reminded me of a bunch of slides I had of this before and I lost them when my hard drive crashed
Ive been a libertarian since 2008, always voted for libertarian candidates, this time around if Biden gets the nomination, given the options, Im just going to vote Trump
Last time I voted Johnson, knew he wouldnt win, and for doing that a bunch of people called me worse than hitler, a nazi, a racist, etc banned from a few Discords
And my fellow Pedes "good for you my dude voting for who you agreed with most"
What if it's not Biden?
Are you really here just in case he gets the nomination? Trump's not your candidate?
I am here cause I enjoy Trump, enjoy his nonchalant attitude, enjoy the improvements I have seen in my medical benefits and paycheck
Is he my definitive choice candidate, I dunno, is there better, probably not at this point
In my own communities I often get called a staunch Trump supporter, but I tend to try to follow the data and support that which works or that which improves individuals quality of life
And Ive never fully been a democrat, though I do support various policies associated with them
Ive been subbed to r/TD for quite some time now anyway, since I think late 2015-ish
I was a Ron Paul and Rand Paul supporter primarily before, and I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 as I tended to agree with him more than the other leading nominees, though had he not been a candidate I was leaning towards Trump for many reasons
To be really honest with you, this is a Discord server for people that fully supports Trump, not because he's the better option or because he's the less worse option, but because he's the only and right person for the country and the world
If you doesn't feel that way, I believe it would be better to either make up your mind or leave somewhere where you'll feel more comfortable
I wont argue that or disagree there, I am familiar with this community at least on the reddit side of things
I like to dip myself into communities I dont fully agree with
I spend time in libertarian communities, democrat communities, socialist communities, alt right, auth right, you name it I like to see why people think the way they do
Only way to Ive found to appreciate others is to understand others
Well, in that case you need to be aware that you won't be able to fully integrate with our community, considering that for obvious reasons we keep our communities tight, to avoid even dangerous consequences
Having spent enough time in various political servers I am well familiar, I had to cut political discourse in my own community due to certain users inability to have a proper discussion
Also, if you're fine with the ways things are handled here, and don't bash him or his policies, you'll be fine for the time being
Dont worry, I dont get offended by things on the internet or things I disagree with
I find disagreement intriguing and interesting to discuss
In that case you should be fine, and always think about joining us for real, in case you realize Trump's beyond left or right
I understand Trump pretty well, which is why I have said Im probably voting for him next election. I live in the rust belt, Ive seen enough turnaround for others and myself in this area, seen the overall impact on the US economy, seen the impact on the world at large
Best I can say is, interesting times for sure
So this is 100% a real thing...
✅ Trannies
✅ Underage trannies
✅ Sexualizing minors
Netflix going all in with this one
Someone tell me this is some fing troll/onion article
Nope, **AJ and The Queen** is a real Netflix show supported by RuPaul.
... at what point can we all agree that this is pedophelia/rape happening before our eyes?
Sane people know... but there're not many sane people
It is pedophelia
Anybody from Virginia? What was it like the other day? I would have loved to be there and show support.
Posted that tranny shit in the other serious channel
Purge when?
Idk man
Very happy about this